Chapter Nineteen

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I didn't have to react when I heard the other howl after Layla's because I was slammed into, I went airborne. Now I've been thrown a lot these past months, and I was getting tired of it. So before I hit the wall I turned so my feet were facing the wall, and pushed when I felt brick brush against my pad. I landed on the ground hard, making blood from my wounds splatter on the ground. 'We're gonna have to clean the town again.' Beside Layla was a huge genetic, the same one that attacked my town for the last few months. Everybody was in a panic, everybody ran in different directions but those yellow glowly eyes only stared at me. 

"We met again." It growled at me, but I paid no attention to it, my attention was still on Layla.

"Your helping a genetic?" I snarled out glaring at her, before she could anwser the genetic slammed a clawed hand on the ground, making it shake. 

"Leave her out of this," It snarled out, I felt Jericho and Jaq flank my side but that didn't stop the genetic from still glaring at me. "This is between me and you." He said.

"Be careful Cinderella," Jaq said to me. "Lucifer has a bad attatude." I turned towards him.

"They have names?" I asked blinking confused at him, a snarl made us look at him. 

"You killed my Lyla!" He growled, it took me a minute to remember what he was talking about but then I remember the small genetic who's throat I'd riped out. 

"Yeah, I'll kill you too...after I kill Layla!" I said as my lip curled over my teeth, Layla snarled back but stayed where she was. What I said only made Lucifer mad and he lunged at us, but a bolt of sparkles stopped him, and there Millie stood on one of the roof tops.

"And people say fairies can't fight." Millie said twirling her wand in her hand, her bright lilac eyes dancing with laughter. But out victory was short lived when Lucifer stood very angerly and covered in glitter, he roared and swiped at Millie but Jaq snarled and attacked Lucifer before his claws hit Millie. That's when I went after Layla but she had already started running away, Destiny helping her. 

"Cinderella!" I spun around to look at Kayla, my eyes widen at the wound but shook it off. "We have to go after them!" She snarled, I nodded my head and we took off. I looked back briefly to see if everybody was okay, Gus was helping Jaq take on Lucifer while Jericho protected Millie. 'They'll be okay...I hope.' I thought as Kayla and I chased after Destiny and Layla, who for being hurt could move really fast. Kayla suddenly bolted a head of me and bite Layla on the back, making Layla yelp and both sister fell to the ground. Kayla gave a few vicious bites to Layla before Destiny cry made her jump away, but her eyes glaring at Layla. 

"First giving me this gash then helping a genetic, have you lost your mind!" Kayla snarled at her sister, I made my way to Kayla's side when Destiny started to take a step forward.

"They have names!" Layla snapped back at her, my eyes widen.

"Oh my god...Lucifer's your mate." I said, at that Destiny lost her mind and lunged at me, but with my paw I just smacked her away. But her blue eyes still glared at me when she stood, I narrowed my eyes intently at them. Colors started to swirl around both of them, Destiny was still gold and brown but Layla was just pure black.

"So what if he is! We both know we can't be together so we're helping each other out. He's helping me destroy all competition while I help him destroy the one who killed his...girlfriend I guess you would call her." Layla said, her eyes went to Kayla. "You should be glad I just marked you face Kayla, I could have just let Lucifer kill you." Even Destiny looked shocked at hearing that, but Kayla was just pissed. She launched herself at Layla, taking Layla by surprised. Destiny went to interfere but I slammed myself into her, I stared at her harshly.

" have to stop helping Layla or you'll get yourself killed." I snarled at her, behind me the sound of Kayla and Layla fighting didn't stop. "I mean Layla destroyed our town, killed some our pack mates, wounded her sister so she could get Jericho." I snapped, Destiny finally stopped struggling.

"I...I just...didn't want her to be mated to a monster." She whined, I started to say something but a strangled yelp. I looked up to see Kayla with her jaws clamped around Layla troat, Layla's eyes were wide and dimming. Soon Layla quit moving, Kayla slowly let her sister go but stared down at her with sad eyes. Destiny let out a pained howl and wiggled from my grip, I let her go as I watched her scrabble up to Layla and cry. As I stood there and watched Kayla and Destiny cry over Layla's dead body made me wish it hadn't turn out like this, I mean I hated Layla but I didn't want her dead...I wanted her to stop being annoying. 

"Come on, let's get her back to town." I said walking up to them, they nodded and we gentle picked her up and dragged her back to town.

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