Part 17

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"Are you going to tell me why are you are back with that sour face" Donna asked as I sat sulking on her sofa.

Yes I was back in London. I needed to get away and by getting away I didn't mean spend two days drinking in Dereks house. My head was fucked. I was ok until I went home just before the summer and looked at Nicole like she was a piece of meat and then suddenly used her like a piece of meat and now she's much more than that. It's so fucking irritating. Feelings. Eww. Especially when they are one sided now.

She couldn't get away from me quick enough last night. Sara called her and she was back by her side like a little lap dog. It actually fucking hurt. So I went home and booked the first flight for this morning which cost 200 quid but honestly I couldn't give a shit. I needed time away. I needed to figure this shit out and be away from seeing Nicole hooking up with that slut Mathews.

I came straight to Donnas flat but now I'm second guessing myself and thinking I should of just gone home to my own flat. She's one of my closest mates and she knows something is up. Am I fuck going to tell her of all people about Nicole. I wouldn't never hear the end of it.

"Nothing I just needed to get away for a while..everyone was doing my head in at home" I replied sipping my coffee and wishing it was something stronger. It was far too early in the morning for that though.

"How's Nicole" Donna asked sitting opposite me and I could feel my jaw clench. I shrug my shoulders.

"She's doing good yeh" I replied hoping she would leave it at that but Donna wasn't as dumb as she looked. She was watching my body language and read me like a fucking book.

"What the fuck did you do to her" Donna snapped as she threw a cushion at me, merely missing the cup of hot coffee in my hand.

"Fucking watch it" I shot back placing the mug on the coffee table.

"I didn't do anything" I snapped.

"She's seeing some girl called Sara and I'm" I replied holding my hands out casually but even a blind person could tell I was bothered by the way I was acting.

"You're jealous" Donna gasped holding her hand to her mouth and I rolled my eyes. Of course I was jealous but I didn't want to admit it.

"No of course not" I replied "she wants more and I don't so she's found another girl" I added.

Donna hummed into her coffee and I could feel her study me more. I picked up a magazine and began reading it to distract myself. I was so bloody jealous. The thoughts of Nicole being in Sara's bed last night was driving me insane. Sara touching Nicole and making her cum.

"Fuck" I snapped slamming the magazine down on the sofa and Donna jumped.

"Babe you need to calm down" Donna said and I wanted to smack her in the face.

Nicole was probably naked in Sara's bed while I was here in London thinking it was a good idea to get away and she is telling me to calm down. I groaned as I thought back on the last couple of months. Life was complicated and I made it this way by playing with fire with Nicole Ryan and now it was time for me to burn.


I can't believe I am actually on a plane again. I'm fucking sober on a plane by myself going to London. It cost me almost half of my last wages to book it last minute but I need to get over and speak with Lily after she disappeared last night.

What I was going to tell my boss for tonight's shift, I had no clue or to my mother or Kim when I didn't turn up home..who the fuck knows but I'm currently thirty thousand feet in the air and about to shit a brick if this plane has any more turbulence.

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