Chapter Four: No way, I would way rather wear pants (e)

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Ugh, something heavy bounced onto my stomach. I was sleeping quite peacefully until my friends decided that it was time to wake up. I grabbed my pillow and whacked Aaron in the head, making him go flying off the bed.

"Don't touch me or you'll be on the floor next to Aaron." I hissed with my eyes still closed, but I could feel my bed go down slightly as Morgan climbed on.

"Aw you're no fun." she whined sitting down beside me.

"I'm actually having a lot of fun sleeping." I said with a giggle.

"Well to bad Missy you're getting up." I hear Aaron say. The next thing I knew they had grabbed my wrist one on each side of the bed and yanked me up.

"Let go." I cried, falling back to my pillow the second they let me go.

"Samantha Estelle Mitchell you get off your lazy bum and let us give you a birthday hug," Morgan said crossing her arms. I smiled as I sat up and threw myself at her and Aaron grabbing them around the necks.

"Good morning my lovely friends!" I said kissing them on the cheeks. They wrapped their arms around me and kissed my cheeks back.

"Happy birthday Sam," they said.

After they each put an arm around my shoulder we walked into the kitchen where my family was making an amazing breakfast of waffles and pancakes, with all sorts of fruit to top them. Papa had even brought home a jar of syrup, which we rarely got due to it only coming from the most northern villages.

"Morning family!" I called, letting go of my friends and letting myself be surrounded by hugs, kisses, and birthday wishes. Papa picked me up and spun me around.

"Happy birthday my darling," he said, kissing the tip of my nose and placing me in my chair.

"I can't believe you are fourteen Sammy," Chloe said sliding into the chair beside me.

"Neither can I," I said smiling up at my sister.

"Our little baby is growing up," Aaron sniffed, wiping away his invisible tears.

"Oh shut up Aar, I am only three months younger than you and four younger than Morgan," I said, shaking my head at how ridiculous he was being.

"You are still the baby of the group," Aaron said, taunting as he smirked at me.

"Will you two ever stop fighting?" Chloe giggled.

"No." the three of us said together.

"Here's a breakfast fit for the royal family!" Mama said, setting down the final plate of berries and a pitcher of milk.

"Thank you Mama!" the three of us said together once again.

"You're welcome children." Mama laughed sitting down at the end of the table.

"I like having three sets of parents." Aaron said smiling at Papa and Mama.

"Because you can go to all three houses and get breakfast." Morgan replied with a smirk.

"How about you two tone down the arguing so we can eat," Papa said, taking the plate of waffles and placing it in front of me.

"Now go on and take the first waffle of the morning so we can all eat," he said. Morgan and Aaron watched as I placed the waffle on my plate and cut off a small bit. I slowly lifted it to my lips and paused.

"Just take the bite." Aaron moaned.

Nearly ten years ago the three of us started to have breakfast together on the other's birthday and we would watch the birthday person take the first bite of the morning.

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