Chapter 2

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Tom's P.O.V

I fell on my makeshift bed In exhaustion. Doing these things always gets me tired so I end up taking a two maybe three hour nap before heat rushes over me again. I'm literally a creature of sex during heat. Some do it to reproduce, but it seems like mine is for that and just the sheer pleasure of sex. I constantly have to have some sort of contact during heat, which is why I have stuffed animals. Like thousands of them. It surrounds me in comfort to make up the lack of touch I receive during heat.

I started to fall asleep but jumped when I heard the basement door open. I scrambled out of the bed and curled up in the corner to protect myself from any danger. My ears were perked up and my tail wrapped around me. Waiting for the intruder to make there way to the bottom of the stairs, "Tom?"

A familiar voice called out. I stood and slowly came out of the dark corner. My dad smiled and held out his hand, "Hey Tom, I have to talk to you. Do you mind coming upstairs?"

Hesitantly I took his hand and handed me a over sized hoodie. I slid it on and it fell to my mid thighs. He ruffled my hair and I purred, nuzzling my face to his hand. Dad chuckled and led me upstairs. We walked to the kitchen and I was over powered by a strong smell of dominance.

I must've gasped because dad's smile grew as he led me into the kitchen. Mom sat at the counter with a cup of tea and a sad face. Next to her was...a werewolf? He saw me and stood up, "Tom! Your dad told me so much about you."

Dad sat next to mom, "Tom this is Kyle. He is a lab made werewolf. While keeping him under our care I couldn't help but to find him a suitable partner for you. I think it will bring some new information to surface, but also a chance for you to finally mate." I cringed at the thought of mating. Dad knows my view of pregnancy. 

Kyle took my hand and I nearly melted from ecstasy. All my worries faded. He smiled and smelled my neck, "Oh your going to be fun to play with~"

I burned red and leaned on him. The back of my head screamed no, but I couldn't help myself.


Tord's P.O.V

I sighed and slouched in my chair as I video chatted with a few friends from Norway, "Tord, Whats up? Something is bothering you." Arvid said with a scowl.

"Arvid is right. What happened, man?" Ivar asked

Svein nodded in agreement, " And don't try to worm your way out either. You tend to do that in stressful situations."

Arvid is the oldest of us being 24. Ivar the youngest being 22. Both Svein and I are 23. We all went to school together when I lived in Norway. Our parents all worked in the same hospital as well. We never lost contact or broke apart, and quite frankly I don't want that. Sure I love Tom, Edd, and Matt but I do miss my friends in Norway. Hint the video chat.

"Ja, I'm fine. I promise." I assured, "I'm just thinking."

Arvid glared at me, "Stop lying, Tord."

I threw up my arms, "I'm not lying! Something came up with a friend earlier and I'm just worried from him!"

Svein brought his face closer to his camera, "Oh spill the tea, dude."

Ivar rolled his eyes in annoyance and Arvid shook his head in disappointment. I sighed, "I can't. It's not my place to tell."

They all nodded in understatement and Edd burst threw my door, "Tord! Bethany said she needs to talk and that it's urgent!"

I ignored my other three friends protests to ignore it and keep talking, "What did she say?"

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