Chapter 11

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Tom's P.O.V

Once I was in my office I shut the door behind me and set my stuff on my desk before threw myself into my chair, "Fuck me..." I mumbled and looked at the stack of papers.

Tord came in and shut the door behind him, "What's your problem now? You could've hurt yourself leaving my truck like that!"

"What's my problem...?" I asked and looked up at Tord with a scowl, "My problem is that all I wanted to do was go in get some coffee and leave. But you and  Cammy had to start some kind of fued upon looking at each other. You applied that I was an object, a possession rather than a human. I'm yours? Yeah I agreed to dating you but I don't have your fucking name tattooed on my forehead, do I? And all you do is threaten people if they say something you don't like. I expected something like that from Cammy. That's the kind of person she is. But her aunt will deal with her and that's why I'm harping you and not her. Because I know Kathrine will put Cammy in her place. So now it's my job to keep you on a leash too. Because apparently you don't know how to act in public." I hissed out all at once.

Tord chewed on his lip, not knowing how to respond, "I... uh..."

"I said all I had to say to you. It's out and now you know. Let's put it behind us and get this work all knocked out. You can reflect on the lecture I gave you later. Now it's work time." Picking up a pen I quickly got to work to avoid any other conversation with Tord.

Tord got horribly quite after that. At some point I stopped working for a second just o make sure he was breathing. He sat in a chair across from me and hunched over the paper he was currently working on. He looked like a scolded puppy. Part of me felt bad for snapping at him but part of me wanted Tord to get off whatever high horse he was on. He's a sweet guy. Very nice. But he doesn't know how to control his emotions. Or to say it simply he has some anger issues. He doesn't know what emotion to use so he quickly averts it to anger. He has his good moments. He blindly uses his kindness and joy but It's like his brain can't comprehend situations fast enough to use the proper emotion. Tord is a good person. But he can be an even better person if he can grasp onto his emotions.

"Why are you staring? Aren't you the one who went on a tangent about needing to work?" Tord grumbled out.

I felt me cheeks heat up but I scoffed, "I needed a brain break. Is that so bad? I zoned out and just happened to be looking your direction."

Tord looked up from the paper, "You're a horrible liar. And I've already told you I didn't want you lying. Like it better when you're brutally honest. Why are you staring?"

I leaned back in my chair in defeat, "Just thinking about the fact that you can use some anger issue classes. Didn't want to snap at you but you don't control what comes out of your mouth more than half the time. And you wonder why I hated you for so long. You're a sweetheart but you're also the biggest asshole ever."

Tord looked at me, dumbfounded with my words, "You want me to take anger management classes? Don't you think you'd find better use of them?"

I choked on air, "Excuse you?!" I coughed out "I overexaggerate things! I have no anger issues but at least I admit to my issues. Plus I said I think you should. Didn't say I wanted you to. I do think its ideal that you think about it and make the decision yourself. If you don't think you need it, then I won't force you to do it. Just ask that you be more self aware."

Tord looked down briefly then looked up and locked eyes with me, "I'll think about it. Even though you need them more than you think."

My eye twitched and I forced a small smile, "Alrighty then, Let's get back to work."

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