Chapter 5

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Tord's P.O.V

It was the final day of Tom's heat. The day had us all a bit on edge, but it hit Tom the hardest. He hasn't left his room all day, and barely talked when we comforted him this morning. Later in the day we had gone to check on him only to find that he was sleeping. We shrugged it of as nothing, thinking he passed out from the great amount he had been crying earlier in the day.

At this moment, Tom is still sleeping and Edd and Matt were out so I sent a text to Arvid saying that I had the time to Skype them. A few moments later, my computer chimed. Sitting down I opened the video chat, "Hey guys-"

I was cut off by Ivar, "Og hvor i helvete har du vært hele uken?!" (And where the hell have you been all week?!)

My brows furrowed together in a slight hint of aggravation, "Something came up with a close friend so I had my hands full."

Svein rolled his eyes, "Something so important, you couldn't even text us? You know, your other friends?"

"Steng Svein. La Tord forklare hvorfor han ignorerer oss." Arvid said with a glare. (Shut up Svein. Let Tord explain why he is ignoring us.)

I pinched the bridge of my nose,"Jeg ignorerer dere ikke. Jeg har nettopp vært opptatt." (I'm not ignoring you guys. I just been busy.)

"Opptatt med hva?" They all chorused back. (Busy with what?)

"Is that really any of your concern?"

Ivar laughed, "Tord, you left Norway at age 13! You didn't bother to even contact us until 4 years later! We know you have struggles with your pappa. We were scared he did something to you and your mum. Is it bad for us to worry for a friend we never actually see?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Guys I already told you, Paul just looks mad all the time. Patryk would never marry a man who was rude to him. Sure Paul and I argue, but that's when they first adopt me. We get along fine now. Don't worry for me or my mum. We are fine."

They all nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence. Svein decided to break the silence, "Since we are on the topic of parents....Tord, have you found your biological parents yet?"

"Svein! How many times do I have to tell you to not bring that up?!" Arvid yelled.

Holding up my hand to silence them, I smiled grimly, "I had already said it before. I have no interest in knowing my birth parents. They clearly didn't want me if they left me in a abandon sewer pipe as a newborn. Orphanage wouldn't let police get my DNA to find them. Neither did Paul and Patryk. That's perfectly fine with me. I don't know them but I hate them. Now I would really appreciate if you guys stop bringing up the topic."

Arvid and Ivar shuffled uncomfortably and Svein looked down, "unnskyld..." (Sorry)

"It's fine. Just a sore topic." I assured him,

Arvid cleared his throat, "Now that's out of the way...Are you hiding a boyfriend?"

My eyes widened, "Excuse me? NO! And why a boyfriend? What if it is a girl?"

They all gave me a knowing look, "Tord, your parents are gay." Ivar pointed out.

"That doesn't mean I'm gay!" I yelled in defense.

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