Chapter 8

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Tom's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of bacon and hummed. That smells sooooo good! Eddie is probably cooking. Let's go play with him! I tried to get up but I was being held down by the waist. Looking over my shoulder I let out a soft giggle. Tordy was sleeping and snoring quietly.

As careful as I could try to be, I turned in Tordy's arms so I could face him. Snuggling up against his chest I felt his arms tighten around me causing me to blush softly and purr happily. I didn't want to move from the warm embrace of this...alpha... He made me feel all giddy inside. And oh my gawd he was is so nice how be protects me and he has a really... alluring face... and he likes to cuddle me when I'm in bed it just makes me...want him even more... I want him to take me. To fuck me. Make me his. Make me his bitch-

My eyes shot open as I was pulled from that side of my thoughts. Ooooh nooooo I can't think like this! Tordy would be so sad that I'm thinking like a nasty person. I looked at Tordy's rough looking lips as soft snores slipped through them. But....But I want him.... I want him to mark me.... I want to be his... I let out a soft whimpers and hid my face against Tordy's chest, self-shaming myself. My mind was having a mental battle between my true feeling for him and what my instincts want to me to do.

I heard Tordy give a small groan and I quickly shut my eyes and relaxed so it looked like I was still sleeping. Tordy shifted in the bed, removing me from his side and sat up, propping himself up on his elbow. Lips connected to my forehead and I felt my cheeks warm up slightly. Tordy gave out an amused sound, "Tom, I know you're awake. Sleeping people don't blush." I bit my lip and opened my eyes and looked at him shyly. A chuckle escaped his lips, "How long have you been watching me sleep?"

I gave a shrug and tucked my head against his shoulder in a shy manner. Tordy always makes me feel shy. But a good shy. He makes me all bubbly and happy. I curled my small body against his larger one, looking up from his chest and studying his face. Tordy has pretty grey eyes and hair that look like a pair of devil horns and it's also the color of Carmel candies. Aw man now I want candy....

"Thomas...?" Tordy flicked my forehead softly and I let out a quiet whine, "Are you okay? You zoned out on me."

Upset that Tordy flicked me AND called me Thomas put me in a bad mood instantly, "I'm fine." I grumbled out.

Tordy raised a questioning eyebrow at me, "Then do you agree?"

I tilted my head to the side slightly, "Agree....?"

"Agree to nothing. If you where listing to me then you'd know that I'm not giving you a chance. Stop pouting and listen to me so I don't have to repeat myself." Tordy's coldish tone of voice made me scoot away from him as my ears flattened against my head and my tail curled up. With now full attention I gave Tordy a small nod to show I was now listening, "Good. Now you're gonna get changed then we'll go eat. After you that will change back to human. We have to talk and I don't want to act like I'm talking to a 3 year old. I want to talk to fully functional Tom. And you need to go to work. It been nearly two weeks."

The word 'work' clicked in the back of my head and my eyes widened the slightest bit. Realization crawled up my throat but just as quick as it came it left, "But can't I spend the day with you?" I begged.

Tordy let out a frustrated sigh, "Tom I also have to go to work."

"Why can't I stay with yoooooooou? I wanna spend time with my alphaaaaaa." Now complaining and whiny. My forehead was flicked again. I bared my fangs at Tordy, quietly signing that I will bite him if he flicks me again.

But Tordy's cold glare made me retreat, "Don't Argue with me, Thomas. I just work up and haven't had my coffee yet. I was being nice and I tried to reason with you, but you need to stop acting like a brat. Get dressed and go to the kitchen to eat. I'm not dealing with your whiny ass right now. I can take a lot of your childish behavior but I know you can sit and listen to me when I'm being serious. Just don't be a little diva when I wake up. I know you know I have no patience in the morning."

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