Chapter 13

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Tom's P.O.V

After I had left the kitchen, I had texted Pat about going out to their house since I know he won't answer a call while at work and will answer me when he has the time.

"You Good?"

I looked up from my phone at over at Matt who sat on the couch with his legs crossed, "Of course I am. Just making plans with Pat. Why?"

Matt shrugged, "You just look tired is all."

"Well it has been an eventful day..." I said airily, "But I'm fine. Promise."

Raising an eyebrow at me, Matt patted the spot next to him. Sighing I went over and sat down, "Is Tord making you do anything?"

I froze with shock before I shook my head, giving Matt a frown. "The Hell are you talking about? Tord isn't make me do a single thing. What gave you that idea?"

Matt rubbed the back of his neck, "It's just you are doing things you normally wouldn't do. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. You were mad at each other this morning and I was worried. Plus... I walked into your bathroom earlier-"

"YOU WHAT?!" I hissed, remembering I had shattered my mirror this morning.

Matt grabbed my shoulders, "Tom I was terrified you were planning to do something! I don't think you understand just how relieved I was when I saw not a single drop of blood! I thought... I thought you were reverting back to your old habits and I didn't know what to do..." Matt dropped his head to look down, "What happened...?"

I shook Matt's hands off my shoulders, hating the feel of the action. "I had hit my mirror with my comb. It was an accident." I lied for Matt's sake, "Please don't worry... Tord also saw and already harped me about it. I just hadn't the time to clean it this morning." I took Matt's hands into my own and gave them a reassuring squeeze, "I'm fine Matt... I'm not going to do anything rash. And Tord is not making me do a single thing. We for the most part fixed everything. I just... Really want to do this for Tord..."

Matt glaced at my, "Well that's a relief..." He sighed, "I'm glad it was done with no intentions... And you don't need to worry about the mess... I had cleaned it up and replaced the mirror with one of mine."

"Oh you didn't have to do that..." I groaned, "How much do I owe you for it?"

Matt held up a hand and waved it nonchalantly, "It's quite alright, Honey. There is no need to pay for it. I have plenty of mirrors so loosing one is no big deal. As long as you're okay."

"Are you sure..." I asked still wanting to pay back for the gesture.

"Of course!" Matt smiled, "You already paid me by saying everything is alright. As long as you are okay, that's enough payment for me." He gave me a side hug, "But if Tord treats you bad in any way, tell me and I'll have a pitchfork ready to shove up his arse."

I let out a snort and nodded, "You got it."

Matt chuckled and squeezed me tighter to his side, "Can I do a touch up on your nails?"

Looking down at my nails, they had grown out, my natural nail peaking out from the bottom of the black acrylics, "sure-"


Tord's yells rang throughout the house causing both Matt and I to jump. My arms wrapped around Matt instinctively as he gripped the back of my shirt. We both wore the same face of shock, confusion, and slight fear as Tord rarely yells this loud unless he's pissed.

To bring us more of a horror, Tord's yells followed with him storming out of the kitchen and straight towards us. Matt held onto my tighter, as if he was tempted to take me and run. But before Matt made the decision, Tord grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me out of Matt's hold.

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