Chapter 12

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Tom's P.O.V

Tord let out a groan as he threw his pen down and dramatically threw back his head, causing me to jump and draw out a scribbled black line across the signature line, "Toooord!" I cried out and looked up, "I have to turn this into the cities auditorium director! And you just messed it up!"

Not moving from his current slouched position, Tord merely raised his hand and waved me off, "Oh shush... You're fine. It's on the signature line. Looked like you just scribbled your last name." I narrowed my eyes at Tord, mentally throwing dagger at him. He looked down his nose at me and a smirk curled at his lips, "Now don't get worked up over nothing. Your nose scrunches up and you get red. It makes you look more cute than threatening."

I let out a huff and looked back down at my papers, "Whatever..."

Tord sighed and I heard him get up from his seat. I felt weight being pushed on to me as Tord leaned on my shoulder, "Sorry Tom. I didn't mean to scare you and mess up your signature." He drawled out and rested his chin on the crown of my head. I smile tugged on my lips at Tord's need for attention, but I still didn't respond to the him.

Not liking my silence, Tord wrapped his arms around me. Moving his chin from my head and burying his face against my neck, "Tom I said sorry..."

"Yeah you did. But you don't mean it." I hummed. It's not like I'm pissed about it or anything. I'm just upset it happened. I just like to give Tord a hard time.

"But I am though..." Tord grumbled, "Are you done yet?"

Rolling my black eyes I gently nudged Tord's torso with my elbow, "Get off me and apologize properly before I take my sweet ass time finishing these like 2 papers."

"Are you serious?" Tord sighed in a peeved manner, "Fine then..."

He spun my chair to face him and took my chin in his hand and forced me to look up at him. Raising an eyebrow, I gave Tord a bored look, "I'm sorry for messing you up. I understand that the process of making the community orchestra hard and stressful. I also understand that it is important to you. I know you want to make something great and I'm sorry if I messed up something big for you."

"Hmmm..." A faint smirk played at my lips. So faint it was near invisible, "Don't believe you." I turned my chair back to my papers, holding back a chuckle at Tord's exasperated gasp at my easy dismissal of his apology.

Tord spun my chair back around with enough force, I gripped the arms of the chair in fear of the chair tipping over, "What the fuck man? I did what you asked me to! And I meant it! I know you are working hard for this so what's with the calling bullshit on me?!"

I gulped and kept my eyes low in submission. Not sure why I felt the need to do it, but it felt like the right thing to do, "I'm sorry..." My grip not easing on the armrests. This took a sudden turn I was not expecting nor did I want.

"What the fuck are you sorry for?!" Tord yelled. He didn't sound mad. Annoyed? Yeah he did but not a hint of anger was in his voice, yet it still frightened me.

Flinching at his words, my hands started to go white for how hard I was gripping the chair, "For pushing your buttons..." My voice came out as a shaky whisper, "Making you think I was actually upset..."

Tord took a deep breath, "You're a real big fucking idiot sometimes you know..." I tensed when Tord placed his hand on my head. Waiting for him to yank my hair, I shut my eyes tightly. Instead his fingers tangled into my hair, slightly pushing my head back so I was looking up at him. Cracking an eye open to see Tord looking down at me with frown. The sight made me want to run into a corner and cry so I kept my eyes low to keep from coming into contact with his, "Why are you shaking, min elskede?"

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