Chapter 9

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Tom's P.O.V

As soon as I locked up my shop, Tord took my hand and dragged me to his ratty old pickup truck, "Hey what about my car?" I asked trying to pull my hand from his.

Tord glanced over his shoulder, "I'll bring you to work tomorrow. I'm staying with you anyways. Said I was gonna help with your paperwork. I wasn't lying."

I let out a small groan as Tord opened the passenger door for me, "I already told you that It's not necessary for you to help me tomorrow..." Getting into the truck, Tord shut the door and walked around to the drivers side. Once he got inside the truck I gave him a hard glare, "I am capable of doing my job myself, thank you very much."

Tord gave me his signature smirk, "The thing is Tom, I am not going to help you because I felt the need to after pulling you from your work. I am going to help you because I want to. I don't want you to stress over it." Tord started the truck, "So stop complaining. You aren't making me do anything." Tord pulled out of the parking lot, "I say let's stop being adults for just a few hours and enjoy ourselves at the carnival. Lets ride some rides. Lets eat some food. Let me win you some toys. Let me spoil you. I want to watch you get that excited glint in your pretty black eyes whenever you see candy."

I felt heat rush up to my cheeks and I huffed, turning my head to look out of the window, "I do not get excited when I see candy."

Tord let out a low chuckle, "Oh yes you do. I noticed since the very beginning. When we were just little teens I didn't think much of it. We were teenagers. What teen doesn't like to eat unhealthily? But when college rolled around you always had some sort of candy with you. Then I thought you just had a sweet tooth. But then I started to live with you and saw how much sweets you eat and the effort it takes for you to not buy sweets at the store. Now I see there is a reason behind your horrible sweet tooth. Now I know for a fact you had braces for more than crooked teeth."

I clenched my teeth at the reminder of my braces, "My sweet tooth is not that bad..."

Letting out a sharp laugh, Tord glanced at me, "Yeah sure... not that bad. Don't worry Tom, I will get you all the Cotton Candy you want. And some new stuffed animals to add to your collection."

"You don't need to waste money on me. I can do that all for myself." I muttered and tried to hide my burning cheeks.

Tord drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, "You don't get the concept of a date do you? I asked you on a date. Which means I pay for everything. And like I said earlier, I want to spoil you."

I scrunched up my nose, "I am not a child to be doted on."

"Have your forgotten about your split personality?" Tord asked with a raised eyebrow. "I want someone to spoil. And well... to be honest. You're other half is pretty easy to spoil. This part of you is easy to spoil. You just need to know what to get."

I crossed my arms, "Oh yeah? And tell me what you would buy both half's of me."

"Anything you tell me you want." Tord answered simply.

After a minute of thought I asked, "Concert tickets?"

Tord shrugged, "Sure"

I narrowed my eyes at Tord, "A shopping spree?"

"It honestly shocks me how much you enjoy fashion. Both sides of you. But yes I will take you on a shopping spree." Tord gave me a lazy look, "Anything else?"

"A vacation to Greece?"

"I hear it's quiet lovely there."

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