Chapter 6

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Tord's P.O.V

Once I made it back to my room, I pulled a notepad from my desk and a pen. Sitting in the middle of my bed I pulled out my phone and clicked Andrew's contact. He and Bethany had all of our numbers since grade school. I always thought it was cute how they were so overprotective with him. Now I know why.

Chewing on the end of the pen nervously I listened to the phone ring. Much to my liking, Andrew picked up,


I smiled, "Andrew! I have something to ask of you....its about Tom."

Andrew hummed, "What is it...?"

Leaning my back against my headboard, I closed my eyes, "I want to know everything about this new side of Tom. Like how does he act? What does he eat? I just wanna know everything...."

The line went quiet for a bit before he answered, "Free whatever plans you have, boy. If you want to know everything, it's gonna take some time....Tom in his monster form is like a completely different person."

I pressed the tip of my own to the paper, "Well then start talking. I have all day."

Worst decision of my life. It really was. After nearly three hours my hand was cramping and my head hurt from the new information.

Andrew had told me all he knew and I'll admit, even if it was alot and took up so much time, it was all very valuable information. Stuff I didn't expect from Tom.

I would've never thought Tom's monster form preferred female clothing over male clothing. Nor did I think he had a mental age of a 7 year old while in that form. But if I didn't see it for myself, I would've laughed at Andrew for saying that about Tom. If I recall correctly Andrew said, and I quote, "Tom is is like a whore in a child's mindset" while he is in that form.

There is a hole lot of other cool and informative stuff Andrew told me, but I wont bore you guys with that.

After hearing all this stuff, I wanted to witness all of it. I am not going to wait for his next heat, because his emotions shift a bit during that time. All he is worried about is someone touching him. Somehow I need to convince Tom to do it now, while he is out of heat to see if everything I was told is true.

Perhaps I can get Edd to help. He's pretty good at manipulating Tom into doing things. Come to think of it, Edd and Matt came home a while ago. Well lets go talk to Edd....

Getting up with a groan I made my way to the living room. Edd sat on the couch with legs crossed. His laptop sat on the table across from him and he had his drawing tablet sitting nicely on his lap as he scribbled away. I rolled my eyes and plopped down beside him, causing him to grip to the sides of his tablet so it wouldn't fall, "What is it, Tord?" His voice carried a hint of aggravation.

I respond to his slight scowl with a smile, "I have told you to stop working in the living room. Hunching over your tablet is going to kill your back. At least at your desk or at the kitchen table you can draw without needing to hunch over." My smile was one he gets often. One that says 'Listen to me. You know i'm right.'

With an over-dramatic eye roll, Edd leaned over and shut his laptop, "There happy? Now what do you want? You always nag or change subjects when you are trying to avoid something you want to say."

I leaned back on the couch and placed my hands behind my head, "That is incorrect."

"Oh no that is very much true. You are doing it right now, trying to get me off topic by arguing instead of actually telling me."

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