Chapter 3

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Tom's P.O.V

Kyle advanced on me. I was frozen in fear when the yanked me up by the collar of my hoodie. Turning me around so my back was facing him, He slammed my body against the wall. I cried out in pain as I felt my nose crunch under the impact and felt the thick red substance drip down my mouth and chin.

He dug his sharp nails into my hips. The nails broke the surface of the skin and sink in. Yelping, I thrashed to get out of his grip. Pulling me back he threw me down. I skidded across the rough cement floor, feeling my entire left side get scratched up.

I shut my eyes in pain and screeched when his foot connected to my stomach, "You don't try to get away from me! Be a good little bitch and stay still!" Kyle growled. Daring myself to look at him I opened my eyes. Kyle was removing his belt, "Get up." I didn't budge, "I said get up!" He grabbed my hair and yanked me up.

I whimpered. My body was completely numb. Despite it being the first day of my heat, I felt nothing since I was brought back here with Kyle. I was told to have him as a mate. My instincts told me to obey. Now my instincts told me to run. This mate is dangerous and will hurt you. All sexual tension is set aside. Fear has replaced it. As an omega, It's a tragic thing to have your mate abuse you. Despite being in the midst of a heat, the fear always wins over. It's important for me to keep safe. Find a mate who will keep me safe. Not one to hurt me. That can hurt a possible child. But I can't disrespect an alpha...that just causes more problems.

Kyle bent me over a stray box and brought his belt down on my back. I bit my lip to hold back a scream. He repeated this action...3...4 times. At this point I was seeing stars from the pain.

 I felt Kyle's mouth against my neck, making me shiver, "Good boys who listen get rewards. Bad boys who disobey get punished. Guess which one you are." He mummbled before sinking his teeth into my neck. I didn't answer nor did I move. I just let it happen. I don't care anymore. I just give up. I give up on life. On finding a good mate. On the thought of anything good. Time for me to open my eyes and learn I'm too much of a freak to be in an actual, loving, relationship. I'm too much of a burden for a happy life.

Pain coursed through my lower back as Kyle sexually assaulted me. I felt him suck and bite at my neck and shoulders. I felt him come in me. 

Kyle licked my neck, "See you in 9 months, freak." He jogged upstairs and I fell to the ground. 

All the pain rushed to me. I was practically raped. I am most likely pregnant. I am a freak. Tears weld up in my eyes and I started crying. I curled up in a ball and let the tears fall.

I didn't budge as I heard a new set of feet rush down the stairs, "THOMAS!" My mom screeched. She ran to me and fell to her knees. Pulling me to her lap, she let me cry onto her shoulder, "My baby..." she cried.

"What is going on- Holy crap..." Dad said looking at me, "Tom..." 

He tried to touch me but mom swatted his hand away, "This is your fault Andrew! You did this!" screamed with tears falling from her vibrant blue eyes that I had once possessed at a young age, "You brought that thing and let it nearly kill our- MY baby!"

Dad took a step back, "B-Bethany...let me explain..."

"NO!" She held me closer, "I don't want to hear your pity excuses! You brought it because your fucking work is more important than Tom! I can't believe I actually married-"

Dad cut her off, "Bethany, I did it for Tom! Just let me talk woman!" Mom shut her mouth and held me tight, "Every month when I take a blood sample from Tom, I always find something new. Recently...." Dad looked away, "Recently, I discovered that Tom's lack in sexual relationships were...killing him. Tom is an unknown breed. He is his own species. He requires a lot of attention because I don't know what i'd find out next. I didn't tell you because you worry enough about him as it is. I didn't want to tell you he was slowly dying. That's why I brought up Kyle...I know It was a mistake, but I truly didn't know...this...would happen. I did this because I care about our son as much as you. Everything I do for Tom is for his benefits. I am just trying to keep my boy safe..."

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