Dare 18: Watch Time Travel Movies and Shows

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LillianLuthor: I dare you to watch Back to the Future and then Doctor Who.

Again I have another dare. It turned out great! Even though Elsa highly disagreed.

Did you know that there are three movies to “Back to the Future” movie series and to Doctor Who there is many series, even the newest one has 8 seasons. And then there are the Doctor Who movies and other stuff related to it.. And guess what.. I WATCHED IT ALL! It was so interesting!

So watching everything took some time. Elsa got furious when I just stayed home in my underwear watching television. What is wrong if a man sometimes wants to have a pyjamaday? I mean.. my pyjamaday was two weeks long but it isn’t that bad. Right?

She let me watch them all. My eyes were hurt each night when I crawled next to her in bed at 4am and woke up 7am to watch more. Everything was alright until I started to discuss about the series and movies with her. I was really fascinated of the idea of time travel? Would it have been possible to prevent my death?

Her answer was simple. “Shut up already Frosty! We wouldn’t be together if you wouldn’t end up as a Guardian of Fun!” She certainly caused me to shut my pie hole up quickly. Then came another day when the sun rise. “I was wondering if we could watch it together?” I kissed my wives cheek.

“Watch what?” She glared at me. “I mean watch it all together from the start, Doctor Who and Return to the Future. There is an awesome car and-,” she pushed me away. “No way!” She exhaled and froze me still. “And neither will you! What on earth will I do with you?” She sighed while being frustrated.

I really enjoyed these films LillianLuthor. Unfortunately my wife disagreed? I don’t think that there was too many of them. Maybe that is because I have lived over three hundred years so two weeks seems like a blink of an eye to me unlike to my wife? Oh well, at least I tried *smirks*.

Yours Sincerely,

Jack Frost.

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