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(Alex P.O.V)

I was at my desk writing a letter to...someone...Then someone walked into my office. "Hamilton?" A loud and unpleasant voice filled the room. "Jefferson? What do you want..." I said. He came closer to the desk I was at with a stack of paper. "Madison wanted me to give you this. It's his half of the federalist papers." I looked up to see Jefferson not even looking at me but his head turned to the side looking nervous. "Is there a problem?" I said while taking the stack of papers out of his hands. "No there isn't.. I just was going to head over to the bar, want to come with?" He said leaning over the desk looking at me. "Fine.." I said. I put my quill and paper down on the desk and headed to the bar with him.

When we got there, Laf, John, and Madison were already there. "Hey guys!" I said waving a hand at them. "John and Lafayette said a casual, "hey", but Madison didn't say anything. I waked over to the bar and got a few shots, then John suggested that we should play Truth or Dare. "Who wants to start?" Laf raised his hand and said, "I will mon ami, Jefferson Truth or Dare?" Jefferson looked at me then back at Laf and said Dare thinking it will be about me I guess... "Dare" "Alright I dare you to... slow dance with one of us here. And it can be anyone." Laf said. "Heh we already know it's gonna be Hamilton."Madison groaned.

Jefferson stood up and walked over to me and held out his hand. "Hmm-I took another shot- Fine." He put his hand on my waist but he was acting like he didn't know where to put it. I moved his hand more up and placed my hand on his shoulders. "Never done this with a man." He said. He pulled me in more our bodies touching and his face close to mine. Madison looked over finally and then said, "Ok! That's enough Jefferson your turn.." I pushed Jefferson off of me my face still a bit bright as I took another shot. "Joh-no... Madison Truth or Dare?" Madison crossed his arms, "Truth." Jefferson smiled at Madison. "Is it true you are jealous of me and Hamilton?" I turned around and Madison was looking like he was about to explode. "What does Me and Hamilton mean?" I said looking at Jefferson. "You know, how we act around each other." He said. "How you react not how I react your always nerv-" "True.." Madison said in the middle of our conversation. "My god..."

"Welp Mads it's your turn..." Madison sighed as he looked at me.. "Hamilton Truth or Dare?" He said. I wanted to take a risk at Dare but also not overreact it it's something to do with Jefferson. "Dare" All the guys looked at me as I took another shot. "Hmmm I Dare you to...say the most weirdest love poem you can think of.." I stood there for a bit then started talking again..."Blood is red, Bruises are blue, Be my valentine, and don't say no!" I said. Everyone started laughing even Jefferson. When he was laughing his face lit up and it was cute to me for some odd. reason..."John Truth or Dare?"

"Truth cause I hate dares." John sat down on the bar stand and looked at me. "Is it true your gay?" I said. "Yeah I'm gay all the time basically!" He said. "Wow...gay as in likes guys?" Jefferson said. "That and gay as being happy!" He said. "Ok John your turn. "Lafayette Truth or Dare?" "Dare mon ami" he said smacking a shot glass on the table.

We went around saying truths and dares over and over until we were all really drunk but not Jefferson for some odd reason. "Jefferson!!! Truth or dare my boiii?" Laf said having his head on the table. "Dare." He said. I looked at Jefferson half drunk and to me, it looked like Jefferson didn't even take a sip of his. "I dare yooouuu to kissssssss *hic* Hamiltonnnnn" He said. My face felt very hot for a second. "Mkay" Madison left a while ago same with John and I feel like Laf is gonna pass out soon. Jefferson came close to me and held my chin. "Uhhh heh hi?" I said. Jefferson looked into my eyes then kissed me. It actually didn't feel as bad as I thought it would...it actually felt...exotic I guess. "I um...ima head home." I said grabbing my coat. "Here let me come with." Jefferson said. Putting his coat on as well. I was drunk half way so of course I said yes.

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