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(Thomas P.O.V)

I woke up next to Alex, clinched to my body as he slept. He looked scared before he fell asleep like the night we went to see a scary movie. I wanted to know what he saw...but that's not important right now.

Alright if you don't know, today is me and Alex's 2 year anniversary! I've been planning things all week but I wanna do something special. I asked herc on what I should have done....he said to propose and so did laf cause they are the only ones that believe in me and Alex. But at the same time....I don't think I should cause would Alex say yes? Would it make me feel desperate? What ever I do...it wi be to remember. As I kept thinking, Alex woke up and looked at me, yawning. "Morning lovely" I say, trying to be cute. He smiled at me but then instantly ran out of the bedroom and bolted to the bathroom. I had no clue what he was doing but then I heard a sound of him throwing up. I sighed and got up, running my eyes but then walked over to him, pulling up his hair and putting in in a bun for him, as I reached for the pain relief and water.

When he was done getting sick, he sighed and took the pills, taking the glass of water and trying to smile. "Thanks....I don't know what I would do without you..." he said, looking up at me then fully smiling. I smiled back and kissed his forehead and patted his head. "Well get ready we have a big day ahead of us." I said while standing up and exiting the bathroom. I got dressed myself as Alex was still in the bathroom, hearing distant gag sounds behind the door.

I finished getting ready and Alex finally got out of the bathroom, looking like he has been done getting sick for a while but then, I heard a pounding at the door. Alex and I looked at each other confused but then when I opened the door, Maria was at the door. "Hey Thomas!" She said like she was hiding something. "Oh hey Mar Mar. What's up?" I asked. She didn't seem broken or destroyed. "Well I know today is a special day for you and Alex...so me and Eliza are taking you guys out today!" She said giving me jazz hands. I looked at Alexander who seemed to be surprised but also happy.


Me and Alex had an amazing day at dinner and went back to the apartment to watch movies. He seemed in a great mood. I loved to see him happy, it brought me joy and happiness to myself. I moved my arm around him as the smaller man nuzzled into my arm and chest. "Tommy?" He said, sounding quite sleepy. "Yes?" I responded. "I love you so much...you've changed my life...." he said in response. I smiled and nodded to his words."I love to hear that..." and In a split second, Alex was asleep. I picked him up and took him to our bedroom and he snuggled into the blanket and one of my pillows.


The next morning was slow, Alex was still asleep and I was in the bed awake next to him. He was once again, attached to me like a little child. I sighed and tried to pry Alexander off of me but he wasn't budging. "Babe....let me go...." I say a bit quiet to make sure I don't wake him. But at the same time, I swear the grip he had got tighter. He grumbled something but it was hard to make out. "Alexander......please..." I said once again. He shook his head no shortly after I spoke so he was obviously awake. I let out a sigh and relaxed back down on the bed, Alex still attached to me.

He seemed calm or in a fussy mood. "Alex why won't you let go?" I asked, trying to get him to speak. "Cause...." Alex said. "Cause why?" I reply. "Cause I don't want you to go..." He finally said. "I'm still gonna be in the house..." I said. "Don't leave me..."


(Hello people! I'm sorry I haven't posted in for so long! I'm trying to write more and get more ideas. Now if you follow me on tumblr ((fandomgirl656)) I just got an Instagram! Even though I'm not supposed to have one...(hehehe) I got one anyway! It's the same as my tumblr user ((fandomgirl656)) and I'll post personal things on it plus art and updates in life :D anyway hope you all liked this sort of short chapter! BYEEEE)

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