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It was the next morning and I woke up in Thomas's arms in the bed, but I felt another weight on my side. As I opened my eyes, I saw Lily on my side, her face was happy and bright. "Oh good morning...Lily" I say as I yawned, sitting up. The little girl got off of me and cake around the side of the bed, smiling widely. "Can you wake up bwother for me awexandwer?" I couldn't help but smile to her sweet words. I turned around im the best and shake Thomas slightly, kissing his cheek. "Hey hun wake up Lily wants you" I say as he groans then rolls over then sees Lily.

"Hmm? Oh..." He let out a big yawn. "Good morning..." Lily starts to giggle a bit. "No one else is up cause after you guys went to bed, everyone went back downstairs and started talking about business and stuff." She says, crawling back into the bed. I decided to get up and start moving around and get ready for the day as the two talked. "Hey by the way, Merry Christmas Alexander." Thomas said as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I kept the toothbrush in my mouth and made a heart to Thomas before I started to go back to what I was doing.

Lily and I walked down the stairs and we seen Theo already in the kitchen making breakfast. "Good morning Theo!" Lily screamed, running right past me to give her a big hug. She must have heard cause she quickly turned around and sighed. "Oh good morning Lily. Hello Alexander." She waved to me and I waved back. "Is Tomas up?" She said again. "I'm pretty sure he is..." I say a bit confused to why she is asking. "Hm he is normally never up this early." Theo turned back to the stove, beginning to cook again.

"We were talking last night about you and Thomas, how close you are," She continued, "Thomas came out to the family that he was bisexual about 4 years ago, and he said he knew you for 3 years...so 1 year after he came out to ya, he met you.."

She sighed as I moved next to her and grabbed an apple off the counter. "Alex...are you dating Thomas?" She said looking up from the stove. I gave her a shocked look and acted like she didn't know what she was meaning. "Why you say that?" I ask. "Well first off, to our the first guy Thomas has brought here, and I've been here for 6 years." Theo went on rambling again, "All the people Thomas brought home were girls but your a guy which made me think."

I looked at her and shot her a weak smile. "Yes we are dating..." her eyes lit up and she immediately hugged me tight. "Well treat Thomas with respect hear me?" "Yes definitely" I say. I look at my phone and look at the time, it's 7 in the morning, how late did me and Thomas go to bed at?


Breakfast was a bit weird, I was sitting next to Thomas and Lily, Bethany and Brook across from us and his parents on each side of the table. His brother left early in the morning for his work is what I was told. As I ate, Thomas layed a hand on my thigh. It felt nice and warm. "So Thomas.." He removed his hand from my thigh and looked at the speaker, his father. "How did you and your friend here meet?" He asked. "Well...we actually met through my old work with George." Thomas said, smiling a bit. He seemed happy, happy I'm there, happy his family likes me.

His father didn't seem to fond with me though, he kept glaring at me then Thomas would shoot him back a glare then his dad would back off. It's like he already knew what's going on but didn't at the same time. "This is really good Theo." I say trying to break the tension between Thomas and his father. She nods her head and smiles. "Thank you sir"

Peter(Jefferson's father) and Thomas continued to shoot nasty flares at each other until his father snapped. "Thomas may I speak to you outside?" He said standing up from other side of the table and Jefferson stood up, "Alright" he said as the two went outside. "Um....are they alright?" I said a bit to their mother. "Oh they are alright, this happens almost every single time Thomas brings home a friend, they go out, scream a bit at each other, then Peter asks what the friend he brought home means to Thomas." Those words made me a bit nervous. His mother didn't care about him being bisexual nor dating a guy, but his dad was a huge Homophob, it makes me sick that Thomas had to live with that man

After a good 20 minuets, Peter comes in storming to the table and Thomas behind him coming to me. "Alex let's go" he said giving me his hand. "Wait what? What happened?" I said extremely confused. "Well obviously my father can't accept you being here so I'm going as well." I shot a look at his father and then stood up. "Let's go.." I say as I go upstairs to start packing.

Is his father really that much of a dick to kick his son out just cause he is dating the same damn gender??

When I finish packing Tomas comes back upstairs. I heard more screaming from downstairs so my only guess, Thomas and his father were screaming about me, which made me try my best to hold back my tears. "You ready babe?" He said as he walked in and sat on the bed. I was turned around, he could only see my back but not my red face from trying so hard to hold back tears.

"Alex? Please speak to me..I know you might be mad at me for screaming but I'm truly sorry I even brought you into this house hold."

"I'm ready..." I say with a sniff. Thomas stood up and hugged me. As we walked down the stairs, Lily and the girls came up to me, giving me big hugs. "Don't worry I'll keep him safe." I say to them. "Bye people! Bye Peter" Thomas said, giving a death glare to his father. Even though it's a bad glare, it's still hot to see him do that glare to protect me.

We walked to the car and he got the suit cases in the trunk as I get in the passenger side. I closed into a ball and looked out the window as rock music quietly played as he drove. I tried my best to hold back my tears but, it snapped and I started crying a bit. Thomas looked pissed so I stayed quiet. He's been through way to much today so worrying about me crying is the last thing I can put on him.


When I got in the house Thomas was still mad. "I can't believe my family still can't accept me...it's fucked up.." he says. I walked up to him and hugged him. "Don't worry...you still have me..." I say as I reach up to kiss him. "I'm glad about that..."

"Alex? Hey Alex wake up babe we're stopping at a Mc Donalds Alright?" Thomas said shaking me to wake up. "Wait what?" I say. It was a dream? But...it looked and felt so real... "yeah I'm hungry and I bet your a bit hungry." He says smiling and watching the ride. He seemed to cheer up a bit more which was good. I am hungry but I'm not in a mood to eat...I'll eat for him though. "Alright Mc Donald's is the next exit." I saw pointing to a close sign that passes. 

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