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(Thomas P.O.V) 

I woke up but it didn't feel normal. Alex is normal attached to me when I wake up but he wasn't this time so I rolled out of bed, a bit worried to where Alex could be.When I stepped out of the bedroom, my hair all frizzy and only wearing a pair of shorts, Alex was on the couch, watching a movie but I didn't know what it was at first. I sneaked around him, behind the couch and watched the movie, trying to figure out what it was.

TV: "Bella....it's either me or Edward"

"Oh come on Bella you belong with Edward...not wolf boy..." Alex whispered to himself. He was watching the twilights! Of course! Alex was saying he wanted to watch it but not with me for some odd reason. He still didn't notice I was behind him so I wanted to fuck around with him. I slowly moved my head to his shoulder but not on him and whispered in his ear, "someone is up bright and early~" He jumped higher than I thought and also fell on the ground, almost banging his head on the coffee table. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!" Alex screamed while attempting to turn the tv off. "For a while I guess....you weren't on me like normal when I wake up so I was a bit worried." I said jumping over the couch then sitting down. He blushed a bit and turned the tv on but quickly turning the movie off and cuddled on me. He was warm and t felt nice to have him close to me.

He fell asleep on me which was normal but I guess he didn't sleep. So I held to him as he slept. Alex snores a bit which made me laugh but I tried to keep it in with-out waking him.


We were just sitting around watching tv and talking about random shit when alex finally said, "You know what....we should go to the movies!"Alex's face lit up when I said sure. When we got to the place, he wanted to see a scary movie but he is too big o a chicken and easily scared. "Please can we see it" He said begging almost. "Fine....but when you get scared don't come crawling to me." He nodded his head and bought our tickets. "Alright....Theater 3" I said looking at the tickets and the signs above each door. "Right here" Alex said pointing out. We got a seat in the back so we could see the screen fully.

(Alex P.O.V)

It was nice to get out of the house with Thomas. As we watched the movie, I leaned my head on his shoulder and he laid an arm around me. Then a very scary part came on and I burried my head into Thomas' chest as he laughed. "Oh come on....it's not even scary!" He said trying to cheer me up. No one else was in the theater cause it was a week day but he still whispered. "It is very scary!" I yelled still having my head in his chest. All he did was pat my head and sighed. "You'll be alright....im here" He said calming me down. I finally calmed down, my knees to my chest as I watched the movie.

It finally ended and I was scared out of my mind. I was attached to Jefferson mainly the whole movie which was a bit embarrassing on my part but he seemed ok with it. He opened the car door for me which was sweet but played his country music. "Can we listen to something else?" I asked and he nodded but a bit unsure to what I would play. I instantly changed the radio channel to a Mexican music channel and he laughed. "Do you even understand what they are saying?" He said still laughing. "Sort of but it's just good music." I said dancing in my seat a bit as he laughed.

We pulled up to the house and I was still scared. I didn't want Thomas to try and scare the fuck out of me! I know him and that's exactly what he does when I'm scared...he try's to scare me more. Thomas yawned cause it was pretty late but normally he doesn't go to bed early. "Wanna come to bed?" He said. I didn't know if he was actually tired, wanted to......never mind, or wanted to scare me but I was already tired so I said sure. I walked into the room and got changed into comfy clothes and laid in bed, waiting for Thomas.

He was in the bathroom doing god forbid whatever he was doing but I was a little worried. I stayed in bed waiting for him and I finally heard the bathroom door open and foot steps coming towards the bedroom door. I was scared a bit cause what if it wasn't Thomas? What if it was Laurens to Lafayette trying to prank me again?

I hid under the blanket and he door creaked open. I heard foot steps coming towards me and a dark, shadowy figure standing over top of me. So me being a little sissy that I was, I had to think fast, and by think fast, I mean use my feet. I kicked the figure that was standing over top of me but I didn't feel anything there....so I lifted my head up and then Thomas came through the door. "Are you ok?" He said sitting next to me, "you look like you just saw a ghost." I instantly got up and hugged him, burrowing my face in his chest. "Alright alright....lets get to sleep." I nodded and let go of him as I got on my side of the bed and he did too.

Did I just see a ghost?

Or was it my imagination?

(Thank you all so much on the support on this story! If you are bored and wanna take a piece of my art work, then head to my tumblr page at @fandomgirl656 I'm doing an art raffle until the first of August and there will be 3 winners! Anyway...have a Tubular Tuesday!!)

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