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(Ah fuck it. The rest of this story will be in Alex's eyes. Srry for changing so many things) 

 Jefferson and I  looked at each other and then I  shot out of our  bed and rushed to the door to see who the voice belongs to. When I opened the door to see who was out there, I saw a familiar face. Not too familiar but I knew who he was. "Hey Alexander.." the deep voice ringed in my head and remembered who it was. "J-James..." I said quietly. He nods and pulls his arms out for a hug but all I do is close the door and go back to Jefferson in the bedroom and hide my face in his chest. "Who was it?" He asked. "M-my brother..." I say softly and he gets up, leaving me in the bed.

I hear mumbles but I ignore it. I never cared for my brother. I thought my brother died 2 years go so seeing him here brought me to a shock. I curled up In the blanket like a turtle. Jefferson is gonna be pissed when he comes back and sees I'm hogging the blankets. The mumbles become louder and then I hear the door slam which made my hair stand. What the fuck?? Why did Jefferson slam the door? 

I ignored it once I heard the feet come back to the room. So I snuggled more in the blanket to be more of a dick. I was looking right at the door way and I saw the poofy haired man walk back though the door. "Alex what the hell...." Was all he said before I felt hands around my amazing blanket turtle shell. "AH YOU ARE DISTURBING THE TURTLE!!" I screamed. "Well I have rights" he sat me down in the other room so he could make the bed without me bothering him. 

I decided to get snuggled in the blanket once again when I was him go to the bathroom. Right when I heard the bathroom door click, I ran to the bedroom and fucked up the blanket all over again. Becoming a turtle again but feeling like a catapiler. Once I heard feet again I snuggled more in the blankets. The feet stopped and I heard a loud sigh from the door way. 



"Why did you ruin the blanket?"

"I didn't ruin it! Blankets are ment for keeping you warm right?"

"Yeah...what's your point?" 

"If blankets are made for keeping me warm then that's why I'm messing them up."

I hear another sigh and he layed down next to the ball of the blanket that was me. I rolled on top of him, still in the ball and all he did was stare right at me. It was a friendly stare, I believe he was thinking why I was so stubborn. He pat my head and picked me up, still in ball for and sat me down on the couch in the living room as he turned on my favorite show. My eyes widened as little ball Alex watched my show. 

Jefferson went to do something else but I didn't know what. I was too into my show to pay attention to him. 

I don't understand how I went from being mad at Jefferson, to seeing my brother, and turning into a ball. This week was just full of emotions. He seemed calmed though. Just the Thomas I loved to see. 

(A/N hello people! I so sorry I haven't been writing in a while...I'm taking a break from writing the Jamilton story but going to be focusing more on my story called E-R-R-O-R. I hope you all understand hand have a great day!!! STAY GAY!)

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