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It's been a couple months and me and Thomas have been doing great. We were sitting on the couch cuddling like normal, me on his lap, watching a movie. "Hey Alexander?" He said breaking the silence other than the tv. "Yeah Jeefly?" I say as he rolls his eyes to the name. "Can we have a little moment~?" He says. I blush a bit cause I know what he means by 'moment' "you know I'm still sore from the last 'little moment'" I say grinning. "No like....a moment...not a normal moment but a cute moment..." he says but I'm confused.

"Cute moment?" I say. Even though Jefferson was a sweet guy, he always tried to get in my pant. He doesn't do it that much but he'll have his moment when he does. "Allleeeeeex..." He said groaning a bit. I roll my eyes and kiss him to shut him up. So it though, he kisses back. It was a nice kiss. I layed my arms around his neck as he held his on my waist.

The next morning rolls around and I'm in the bed. Doesn't surprise me at all. And Jefferson is attached to my back in his boxers and I'm in mine...doesn't surprise me if we did fuck though..

Christmas is soon though and he told he he is taking me to new his parents...which I'm just so excited to meet...yay...

I am not really excited but it's for Jefferson and I love him. I'll do anything for him. He's told me things about his family, they don't exactly...accept gay people...but when we get there, were telling them bout us and hopefully..just hopefully...they don't go psycho on us. "Babbbbyy...." I hear Jefferson say, so I turn around and see him awake. "Are you alright...you seem a bit cautious." He says. "I'm fine...just nervous to meet your parents." I concluded. "You've met them before what's there to be worried about?" He messes with my hair a bit, it was always soft. "That is before we got together. I don't want them to reject me just cause I'm with you." I say snapping a bit. All he did was grin a bit. Does he feel bad? Hard to tell..


It's Christmas Eve. It's Christmas Eve. It's Christmas Eve.

I've been panicking all day, scared and nervous. Jefferson and I were already in the car, me in the passenger seat and he was driving. I looked out the window, the snow in Virginia looks so...shiny and colorful when the dim sum hits it. As we pulled up to the house, Thomas looked at me, "don't worry...they aren't home yet so we're good to get settled in." He said trying to reassure me that it's safe. I nod and get out of the car, grabbing the suit cases and walking up to the door. Thomas knocked but I didn't know why, then a very pretty young girl cane to the door, she had a Carmel skin tone like Thomas and she was in a maid outfit. "Oh welcome Mr.Thomas and you must be Mr.Hamilton it's a pleasure to meet you." The young lady said as we walked in.

"You can just call me Alex." I say and she nods. "Thomas your family is out right now, getting some last minute things and I'm just gonna clean up the house, the guest bedroom next to your fathers office is the room you guys will be staying in. The bed should be made and all clean. Call for me if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen." She says finishing up as she does a kirtsy and walks to the kitchen. Thomas smiled at me and walks up the stairs as I follow behind.

We get to the room and he closes the door, sighing then falling into the bed. "That was Theo the house maid." He says rolling onto his back. "I knew your family had money but a maid?" I say sitting down next to him, messing with his fluffy hair. "Yeah..she's been here for about 3 years now. She is really sweet and she's a great cook." He says. I kiss his cheek and get up, starting to unpack my stuff into the small dresser on my side of the bed.

"Oh another thing, I know you wanna stay by me a lot but my little sister placed misletoe in almost every doorway downstairs, so if u don't wanna kiss me infront of my family, is suggest staying away a bit. At least until we tell them about us." He says looking at me, getting up from the bed to unpack as well. "I'll keep that in mind" I say as I put away y last shirt. We were planning on staying for about a week so I made sure I brought enough clothes.

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