Part 11 - Not Sure

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Day 7

what a great day for yesterday..
ahh i'm sorry my diary, i forgot to write on you. don't worry i'm not trying to forget you. i'm so happy yesterday, cause my beshies are really taking care of me. they really love me, and i do too. i really love them. know. one of them is made me different, i mean he treat me differently.
Min Yoongi, it's his name.
i don't know why i love him, cause he really make me confident, calm, and make me falling in love again. in a good way.
i hope that he feel the same like me.
and i hope that he can make me happy and safe.
like what Jin and Namjoon do to me.

and don't worry, i love Jin and Namjoon too as my Brother. they love me too as their Sister.
and all of us are loving eachother.



woke up in the morning, take a shower, change my clothes, waking up Namjoon, made some breakfast for us, and clean up the house is my routine since i live here. well Namjoon didn't ordered me to do this every morning, but i want it too. for some reason, this is all i can do to return what did Namjoon give it to me. beside, i didn't have a job like Namjoon, y'all know that i'm a music writer. so I CAN DO IT EVERYWHERE AND EVERYTIME I WANT. YEAY!!

Namjoon already left for work this morning after breakfast.
while i'm at the living room, watching TV, and playing with my phone...

Me: "ahh, i'm so bored." i sighed and lay down on the couch.
i'm still watching the TV, then suddenly my phone beeped.


Yoongi: "hey, Y/n! whatcha doin' now?"

Me: "hey! just layed on the couch, watching another boring channels, and...didn't know what to do now, wbu?"

Yoongi: "nothing, but i've met my friend to talking about our music an hours ago."

Me: "you didn't go to work?"

Yoongi: "it's my day off today, would you mind to come over to my studio?"

Me: "sounds good, beside i didn't have something to do today. i'll be there in 20minutes;) "

Yoongi: "great! take care;)"

Me: "even is just a message, i can imagine when he wink....THE HELL I'M TALKING ABOUT?!!" i jumped up from the couch and get ready to the Yoongi's studio.

it's only take 10minutes from Namjoon's house by a bus. so i can use 10minutes more to buy some food(food is for life yo!), and i never forget to buy some Ice Americano for Yoongi, and Caramel Macchiato for me.

after done buying some food and coffee, i arrived infront of Yoongi's studio.

i didn't realized that i ringing the bell door. i usually knock on the door.

Me: "he even put on the password? seriously?" i shook my head and waiting the door opened.
not too long, Yoongi opened the door and let me in.

Me: "why did you put on the door bell and the password?" i asked while sitting on the chair.
Yoongi: "wow, hello to you too. i put it that cause my friend always get in to my studio carelessly, not even knock on the door, and i hate that." he said and sitting on his chair.
Me: "it's not me, right?" i nudged his arm playfully and wiggle my eyebrows.
Yoongi: "Ha-Ha-Ha funny" he smiled at me, but it was not interested smile.
Me: "Yah why with your smile?" i pout.
Yoongi: "cause you are not funny." he said and look on his computer.
Me: "uh-huh, you right..." i crossed my arms.

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