Part 20:

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I walk inside the ICU room following the doctor directions, which is make me more nervous, i've already had bad feeling for this 2 option. One, y/n will not be survive from the surgery. Two, as her Dad has no answer when Namjoon called him, i already have a very bad thoughts about him. But I don't want to exaggerate that thought.

The doctor stop infront of the white curtain, "you can get inside, he need to tell you something important." She excuse herself leaving me confused infront of this white saintly curtain, i was hesitate to open the curtain, but my curiosity has eating all of my body.




It's so cold in here. I regret that i pick the thin clothes today, i'll throw away my thin clothes later. I hate it actually.

But...where am i now?

As i wondering around, i heard someone calling my name softly. "Wh- m-mom?" I run towards her with all of my strength when i saw her infront of me, i can't believe i meet my mom again. As i reach her, i hug her immediatly, "whoaa y/n, calm down, i'm not going anywhere, Honey." He hug me back tightly, "i miss you so much, mom. How can you get here?" She release the hug and cupped my face, "aigoo, nae ttal (my daughter), i can go anywhere i want, but this time, i want to tell you something."

She drag me to sit on the grass and let my head down to her lap, she stroke my hair gently, "you know, everyone has tell you that you're a strong girl right?" I nodded agree, "but i don't think so, look at me now, i'm very weak." She chuckled slightly, "you're in the subconscious, ofcourse you feel weak," i hummed and closed my eyes, "y/n. Moon Y/n, my lovely daughter, my the only one princces, who the only one i love, you need to go back now." I opened my eyes, "hm?where?" "To your bestfriends ofcourse, and especially your boyfriend." I sat up and look at her with my wide eyes, "how did you know i have a boyfriend?" She sigh boredly, "well duh~ i'm your angel now, i can see you from up here, where ever you go, what ever you do, what ever you feel, everything~" "ahh yeah, make sense."

While we were talking, i saw a bright light infront of us, something like a lamp car was driving towards us. But the light was gone and revealed, "Honey?" I look over my mom and back infront of me, i can't see clearly yet who is it. My mom standing quickly with a shocked face, "honey, why are you here? What happend?"

"Hm? Can't i see my lovely daughter here? Just want to ask her why the reason she's here." I immediatly stand up and look over, to my Dad. "D-dad? Wh-what hap-" he cut me off, "i'm the who should ask you, what are doing here? They're waiting for you." I'm so speechless to see my Dad here, isn't this a heaven? "But, how can you come up here? What happend?" My mom asked him, "long short story, i've got called from her bestfriend that she get in the hospital after my work time is over, i've got panicked when i heard the news, so i drove my car to the hospital when big truck af hit my car, the end." Me and Mom was looking at eachother, don't know what to say, "but why are you doing here? You're not dead right?" I'm struggle to talk, it feel like a big lump stuck on my throat, "my time is done, and i've something for you, with one condition," i walk closer to them when i saw they're walking backwards,

"go back to them now, the boys will tell you about it, we love you. Have a happy life, my lovely daughter." They hugged me before the bright light elimintes them. "Mom! Dad! Wait!!" I try to reach them, but it's too late, the whole things already changed with a dark black color.


We were waiting for Jin to comeback as i saw beside me, and see Namjoon was fall asleep on this uncomfortable long chair, his eyes are very swollen. "They're really love her, they'll not doing this if they're not," i release my jacket and cover it on Namjoon's upper body, "take a rest, Bro" i patted his shoulder.

My eyes feels so heavy, and my head so light. I'm not gonna sleep until she's done the surgery, so i stood from the chair to find a cafèteria. I bought a 3 cup of coffee and get back where i leave before. I saw Jin when he was about to sit beside Namjoon, "finally you back, here," i reach him and give the coffee, "aah, thank you, i really need this," He take the coffee as i sat beside him, "so, what happend earlier?"

Jin told me everything when he left us, i'm about to crying, i hope y/n will be okay after she heard this news, "any plan to tell her this news?" I ask, "i don't know, but just- don't- i-i mean, not after she wake up, just give her a time." I nodded and take a sip of my coffee.

2 Hours Later

Jin were sleeping after we talking, and i'm the one who still fighting to not close my eyes. We're sitting infront of the surgery room, the sign above the door was still on, when will the surgery's done? I sighed and rest my back, but suddenly i saw the sign was turning off, i stood up immediatly and walk to the door.

Until the doctor came out and look at me, "do you perhaps y/n's friend?" She smiled, "u-uh, boyfriend actually," she nodded and continue "we've made it, the surgery runs smoothly even we have a little trouble before, but.. um, it must be hard for her if she knew that the transplantation is from her father, and i know his doing the best for his daughter," i'm still hanging my mouth open, "i'm here just want to tell you that." She was about to excuse herself but suddenly walk back to me, "oh yeah, you can visit her after the nurse move her to the patient room, can't wait more until 1 and a half hour." She left me after i thanked her.

"Thank god, thank you so much!" I said while i sit back on the chair with the others.


The nurse told us that we can visit y/n now, so we walk to her room until we reach there. "I guess you can get in first, i'll be waiting here," they nodded and get inside the room.

[Yoongi FF] Hold MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin