Part 21

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•Author pov

Jin and Namjoon are sitting beside her bed, "hey little princess, how your feel now? Nothing hurt right?" Jin ask while holding her hand, "don't worry, you'll never feeling hurt after you woke up, you're face didn't pale anymore," he wiped his tears and let go his hold so Namjoon can get closer to her, "Yoongi is waiting outside if you ask, he let us in first, i guess he want to meet you alone," Namjoon said while he rub her palm.

10 minutes had passed, they walk out the room and called Yoongi to take turns, "takd your time as much as you need," Jin patted his shoulder and smiled at him. Without thinking twice, he get inside the room and finally he can breath calmly after he saw her. He sat beside her and hold her hand immediatly, "you make us worried, Jagi. Please don't do that ever again,"

He stood up and kiss her forehead, "i really miss your voice, please wake up quickly, i bet the boys are missing you too," he stroke her hair, "i hope you can accept the situation after you wake up, you're my strong woman,"

Visit time is up, so the boys are walking to the parking lot to take their car, Namjoon and Jin already drove away with Namjoon's car, they went to her Dad house to inform his family about the situation.

Back to Yoongi, who still holding Jin's car key, he was about to open the door when someone shouting his name, "Mr. Yoongi!" He look up to the voice, "oh? Mrs. Song, may i help you?" Mrs. Song catch her breath before speaking, "i guess is belong to your girlfriend, y/n." She handed the necklace to him that Yoongi gave to her when they went to dinner a weeks ago, he take the necklace and thanked her, "um..Mrs. Song, can i ask you something?"

"Yeah sure, what is it?" He took a deep breath, "shouldn't she start his operation next week? But...why it's too fast to surgery her today? She still has 1 more week before she start the surgery?" Mrs. Song put her hand inside her pocket coat, "i already told her take the surgery as fast as she can, but she's so stubborn to take the surgery early, she said she want to spend her time as she have, so...that's why she have to take the surgery today, i don't need her time anymore to think. I know her as my own daughter, i'm the one who take care of her disease from the beginning." She took a deep breath before she continue her sentece, "but God was helping me to survive her, and here it is. She was healthy then before, it's a blessing." She smiled at him, "i see, i understand now, thank you so much Doctor Song, thank you for take care and safe her life."

He bowed and so did Mrs. Song, "anytime, protect her,okay? I bless for both of you," with that she excuse herself, so do Yoongi, he get inside the car and start the engine to get home.


It's been 2 days that y/n did not wake up yet, the boys are visit her every time to time. Even they asked permission from their respective offices to be able to accompany her until she's awake.

Yoongi had told Somi about y/n's condition, so she came to visit her with her boyfriend too. Today, all of them are at the cafetèria near the hospital, they didn't want to go far away from there, they think that if she has woke up they shouldn't have to rush to get back at the hospital.

"When will she woke up, i want to talk with her," Somi crossed her arm and leaned her head to her boyfriend, "she'll be wake up soon, baby. Let's just wait." Her boyfriend embrace her body and kiss the top of her head to calm her down. Yoongi, who see the scene with his jealously face, he really want to embrace y/n, hug her tightly, cuddle with her everytime, and he want you to woke up soon.

The rest of them was walking to her room when one of them saw the nurse walk out from her room. The nurse look at them and smile widely, "where have you guys been? She's waiting for all of you a few hours ago," their eyes wide open after hearing the nurse said. Not waiting for any word from anybody, they rush inside to her room.

Somi, the one who open the door first and rush in to look at her leaning her back to the bed, "y/n! Are you okay? How do you feel? Oh my god, please tell me you're okay," she hold her hand to her shoulder and her face to examine, "i'm okay Somi-ah don't worry," y/n hold Somi's hand and give a reassuring smile. "You don't know how worried i am after i heard your surgery yesterday, i'm glad you can made it, oh my god i love you y/n!" She hug her carefully and let her go after it.

Namjoon and Jin approaching you after Somi step a side, "how do you feel now? Any change?" Namjoon ask her while stroking her hair, "more then before, thank you for your accompany a few days ago. You too, Jin." She pull them to a group hug, after she let them go, she's look around her for looking something. And she landed her eyes to the others, "where's Yoongi?" They look behind them and signal him to come over, he walk slowly until he look at her with a relieve feeling. As y/n saw him walking towards her, she straighten up her seat so she can look at him better.

They just looking into eachother eyes deeply, no one is talking that time. As he approach her and slowly hold her hand, the happiness tears flow out immediatly from their eyes. "Y-you made it, Jagi." He only looking into her eyes when he talking, "i'm strong, y-you know," she let out a little chuckle while wipping her tears. Yoongi cupped her cheeks and leaned forward to kiss her lips, so did y/n holding his under cheeks to kiss him back.

The room filled with the cheering and a clap hands, "oh my god this is a hospital you, dumber," Somi smack Yoongi's back, "but not for us, right Jagi?" He smirk at her and she smack her forehead lightly, "no, you cheesy boy," everyone in the room was laughing after see her action.

"Aish don't be so hard to get, Jagi." She shooked her head, "no i'm not," then she peck his lips, "i love you, thank you for everything, Honey." He nodded and brush a strands of her hair behind her ear, "anything for you, and i love you more." He kissed her forehead back.

All of them was chit-chating with y/n, tell her some of joke, and everything to make her laugh. They almost forget about her Dad, and nobody there remember about it. But soon as possible, they will tell her the reality and will take care of her all the time. They're like a family, they can get along to eachothers quickly. And it makes y/n more relieve even her parents are gone. And ofcourse, she didn't really think about it.

Because she already know it all from the beginning.

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