Part 17: what

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•Yoongi POV

After Namjoon text me, we goes to the coffee shop near my studio. Since he's the one who invite me to meet him, he came to pick me up from studio. And here we are, sitting face to face with a cup of coffee.

Namjoon looks like he was hesitate to talk. "What happend, Namjoon?" I broke the silence, "hm?oh..yeah," he paused for a moment "It's about y/n, did she tell you something....important?" He look at me with hope.

This is what i thougt, she's hiding something from me. "No, nothing at all. What is it?" I ask, "so...she did not tell you something?", "no, what is it?" My worried was can be seen on face. All i need is explanation, i don't understand about this 'something' means. "Well, i want to say it..but, i guess she will say it to you soon. I honestly want to tell you about y/n." "Can't you tell me now?" I tried to stay calm, my heart is beating rapidly. I don't know what should i react if Namjoon tell me something.

"I just want to tell you the point is..but please, after i say it, don't ask her, or make her worried too. Got it?" He look into my eyes for sure. "Got it, just tell me Namjoon"
He sighed heavily before continue, "her condition, it worse then before."
Just only hear what Namjoon said, i already blank. I'm not ready to hear him more, "how?" I ask quickly, "this morning, after you and Jin are already getting home, she said that she heard buzzing in her ears and make her head hurts like a hell, and she felt her heart hurt even more.."

I just don't know what should i react, i froze into my place didn't blink my eyes, and my breath stammered. This is not good. I thought while looking at my coffee, i have no more words to say. I need to talk to her. "Where is she now?" I ask him, "she's sleeping now, don't you remember what she told you when you guys are chatting?" Ofcourse i forgot after hearing this 'something'!. "N-no, i guess..can i met her tomorrow?" "Ofcourse you can, just don't tell her that you know this, act like you didn't know anything. Just wait untill she tell you the whole things," he smiled at me while i nodded, "so, i should go home now," he stand up and hold his coffee before patted my shoulder, "take care of her, i know you can." Just then he left me thinking about her condition,

"She didn't tell me, but why.."

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