Chapter 12

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"Ughhhh" I groan into my pillow trying to wish away the bright light that is keeping me from falling back asleep.

I pop one eye open, annoyance showing clearly on my face.

I scan my room for the culprit until my eyes land on a window that I must've forgotten to close the blinds on last night.

I rolled my eyes at my past self's stupid mistake that cost me sleeping in on a Saturday- wait today's not Saturday!

I smell something suspicious.

It's something fishy dumb fuck

Whatever I internally huff and decide to get up to investigate.

Well, now that I'm awake I might as well get up.

I walk swiftly into my closet and choose a quick ensemble before tying my hair up into a low ponytail. I quickly apply a quick layer of lip gloss and mascara before I quietly my way downstairs. What?! Ya always gotta look camera ready, even if your family might've been kidnapped.

I tiptoe into the kitchen where my eyes land on a tattooed back. I smile evilly and jump on my victim.

I hear a grunt and then feel someone grab my leg, I let giggle and suddenly they let go.

Darn Cara, you blew our cover.

The person turns around and I'm greeted with Nathan. I smile at my cousin before I remember why I'm here "WHY ARENT I AT SCHOOL" I yell. He winces and rubs his ear.

"Really Car? It's too early for you to be this loud," He says but I can see the amusement in his eyes.

I hop off his back and begin to slowly walk around the kitchen as if I was observing everything but in reality, I just wanted to look cool.

Haha mission accomplished.

I turn around on my heel swiftly and raise one of my eyebrows, a special skill I picked up over the years. Nah I'm just kidding, I learned how to on youtube. Thanks, Bob Ross!

"YEAH, YEAH," I say shrugging off his complaining, "You get what you get and you don't get upset," I say as I plop myself down on an island stool.

"So are you going to tell me or..." I say making go ahead motions with my hands, He gives me a blank stare and I roll my eyes,"KID, I don't have time for this," I exclaim.

"Uh, yeah, you had a morning free so your brothers said to let you sleep in," He said with a smirk.

"HEY, Don't smirk at me!" I give him my best glare just so he could get a sense of how much I despise the smirk **shudder**.

He shakes his head and I swear to god his smirk grows a little bit. Great, I provoked it.

"Okay, so how much time do I have until I have to go to school?" I ask propping an elbow up on the table and resting my head against it.

"You have about 30 min, and then I can drive you, or Marcus can," He said, I nodded and began to make my way out of the kitchen.

"Well I'll see ya when it's time to leave," I say giving him a wave and making my way to the foyer before I stop.

Well, I have 30 minutes, what should I do.

I kinda really want to explore more especially since my brothers and the rest of the cousins aren't here to stop me.

Well, what could go wrong?

HAHA trick question, the answer's nothing because of I'm perfect.

I click the elevator down button and tap my foot against the marble tile.

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