31. Hot For Teacher

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"How was your night?" Peter asked Jack as the redheaded boy walked into the kitchen the next morning, yawning and tired. The lycan gave him a shrug, and Peter remembered that MJ had texted him that Jack had gone to find Gwen, so he added with a sly smirk, "find Gwen, did ya?"

Jack hid a smile as he laid his phone on the counter and opened the refrigerator. It then vibrated violently against the countertop, and Peter looked over at Jack for permission to read the message. Jack looked at him, carton of orange juice in his hand, and nodded. Leaning over, he read the text, seeing that it was from Tony Stark.

Iron Man with a Plan:

Thanks for the early christmas present. She'll be well taken care of.

"You gave Mr.Stark a Christmas present?" Peter asked, giving his friend a curious look.

Jack nodded, his smile broadening as he replied, "yeah, a dog I found yesterday. You'll love her."

"I didn't even know he liked dogs," Peter muttered, "what kind?"

"Pitbull. She's a real sweetheart," Jack said, pouring himself a glass of orange juice, "oh, and that reminds me. Do you still have your old web-shooter thingies?"

Peter raised an eyebrow at him as he ate the last of his toast. "Uh, yeah? Why?"

Jack's grinned at him again. "Because you and I are gonna Tony Stark a new hero."

"Tony Stark a new-?" Peter was absolutely befuddled by the statement. "What??"

On the way to the bus stop, Jack launched into his whole story with Gwen, from when he landed in the alleyway, to seeing her spider-like powers for himself, to her own origin story, to the tussle with the dog fighters. It was all very interesting, and he told it with such enthusiasm that peter couldn't keep himself from grinning. Seeing one of his best friends hung up on a classmate was pretty funny. Was this how Ned felt when Peter developed feelings for MJ?

They got to their stop and got on the bus. It was a quiet ride to school, Jack humming a tune to himself every so often and Peter's thoughts wondering to what their afternoon would be like after they got out of school. If Jack was serious about their whole "helping Gwen control her powers" escapade, then it would be an eventful day.

When they got to school, trouble almost immediately found the two friends. They passed a bunch of bigger kids in the hallway, football players if Peter remembered right, and one of them quickly stuck their foot out in front of Peter's feet in an attempt to trip him. Peter easily stepped over it, but someone else hit the back of his knee, making his leg crumple at the sudden force. He would've stumbled forward if Jack hadn't caught his backpack and pulled him back up straight.

"Need your bodyguard to help you, Parker?" one of the players sneered, making the others laugh. The two friends didn't even slow their step, continuing to walk away. Jack kept a hand on Peter's shoulder to make sure he had his balance, and they ran into Ned when they turned the corner.

"Hey guys!" He greeted them, "last night was awesome. Jack, what did you do?"

"Oh, he just met up with the love of his life," Peter said wistfully, throwing his arm around Ned's shoulder and grinning at his friend. "You know, the usual."

"Who's the love of his life?" Ned asked, gaping as he stared at Jack in disbelief.

"Nobody, Ned," Jack sighed as he pushed passed them.

Peter and Ned started singing 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' as they walked after him. He smiled painfully at them as they walked to MJ's locker, and kids gave them annoyed looks. But when her locker came in view, they saw that she wasn't alone. Gwen Stacy was with her, wearing her leather jacket and her blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail. Jack held his arm out and stopped his two singing friends, pointing subtly at the scene that was going on ten feet away from them.

By Sunlight (P.P + M.J)Where stories live. Discover now