Notice: Slight Pause

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*crowd boos*
I know I've left you with an ugly cliff hanger and heads up, you won't like me later. x
I'm simply busy. So busy that I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow. Sorry my loves and doves.
Hang on!
"She's always busy," someone moans in the crowd.
"I know. I'll probably stop reading if this continues," another agrees.
HEY YOU TWO! BE QUIET! I'm honestly busy and I have medical reasons and all that wonderful jazz to explain myself but you don't care nor need to know.
I'm not dying btw. :)
I'm fine. Ish.
This is why you, my amazing readers, are being tortured by me.
I'm so bad at updating if you haven't realized.

Q & A

Q: Is Ethan dead?
A: Do I have two eyes?
Q: Yes?
A: You sure?
Q: ....

Q: Can you update regularly for once?
A: Never. I like to have the...element of surprise. One day there's nothing then BAM. Nyx updates.

Q: Is your name Nyx?
A: Yeah. I think. Check google.
Q: It says you're a goddess...
A: Correct.
Q: But-
A: Fact.

Q: Can you update now?
A: Check my instagram. I'm posting a picture of my empty notebook. So nopeeeee.

XO Nyx

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