5. The car

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Natasha and Wanda insisted on taking me somewhere to get a dress. I objected to this idea, seeing that I wasn't really planning on wearing a dress, but they made me anyway. I sighed as I sat in the back of Natasha's new Toyota Camry.

"What's eating you?" She asked while looking at me through the mirror. I glanced at the mirror where her eyes were.

"Nothing." I answered. I went back to staring out the window.

"Listen, I'm sorry. But I'm not going to let you go to a dance in pants and most likely a flannel shirt." I had to admit, she knew my wardrobe well. I smiled and looked down at my hands. They had a weird look to them but I just shrugged it off and replied to her apology.

"It's not that." I looked out the window again. I could see myself in it a little. What am I? I decided to tighten my own mood and save the three of us from the awkward silence. "Your not going to get me in heels." I smirked. Both her and Wanda's eyes shot up and looked at me. I laughed.

"Flats?" Wanda countered.

"Tennis shoes."

"Oh Come on! At least wear boots!" Natasha said. I laughed and looked at the window again.

"Ok fine. Boots."

I picked out a dress as fast as possible. I picked most of the black ones but Wanda didn't approve. When I tried on some red ones Natasha didn't approve. So I decided to go with navy blue and I got both of their approvals. Natasha even bought me a new pair of boots so I wouldn't have to wear my old ones.

We all got in the car and Natasha drove off. It was 11:30 and we got into the store at 8:30. Wanda said it was the best timing they have ever had. I was tired (because who doesn't get tired after shopping!?) so I decided to take a nap. No sooner then I closed my eyes did I hear the scream from the adults in front of me, and the tires on the car. Suddenly my body jolted forward and the only thing that kept me from ramming into Natasha's seat, was the seatbelt that was buckled across my chest. (Wear your seatbelts kids.)

The car in front of us had swerved off their side of the road and hit the front of our car with the back of theirs.

"Everyone alright?" Natasha asked and me and Wanda both nodded.


"This is crazy! This is unacceptable! This is outrageous!" Bucky paced the room and pulled at his hair. "I'm calling the cops." He said while pulling out his phone.

"Bucky, it's fine. They've already been called." Natasha stated.

"Well why aren't they doing their freaking job!?"

No one knew who tried to hit them. But Natasha said there was no way it could've been an accident.
Like most parents, Bucky didn't like the idea of her going to the dance with a crazy person on the loose. But Beatrice was able to convince him to let her go. It wasn't long until she had her whole outfit ready.

A navy blue shin length dress, with black boots, and a necklace chain with no charms. Her accuse was, that she just hadn't found the right charm yet.

 Daughters/Beatrice B Barnes [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now