32. Explosion.

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I walked in a room and crossed my arms over my chest, and then turned to my father.

"So what is it that you want to talk a-"

"Is mom alive!?" I asked with a straight face.

His face was not, he had his mouth partially open.

"Bee.. I told you moms-"

"Moms dead right?! I said angry. Then why is she texting me!!" I yelled kicking a chair.

"She what?"

"She texted me dad! People who are dead don't text other people it's just not how it works! I yelled, my back was now to him. Oh! And by the way do I have a brother?!" I asked/yelled at him.

He couldn't answer his eyes closed and he sat down on a chair, putting his head in his hands.

"You lied to me! Dad!... You were the only person I ever trusted and you lied!" I yelled.

"When we're you going to tell me huh?! On my wedding day!
Oh by the way you have a bother! Congrats!" I said pretending to be him.

He looked up at me, with nothing to say.

"Talk to me"

He sat there.

"Talk to me!!"

And stared.

"Say something!"

At me.

I gave up, I sat on a chair and wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"I know it might not seem as big as a deal for you! Since you've been threw so much but it is for me!!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Beatrice, I wanted to tell you every day! -"

"No! No ok! You didn't because if you did! you would have because I know you! You didn't want to tell me because you knew I would try to find them and you wanted me all to yourself!!" I yelled.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I... I" he stopped trying, he stopped trying to work things out with me.

"I can't do this! Your unbelievable!" I yelled, and left the room, I slammed the door and started walking down the empty hallway.

"Where the heck is everyone?" I said quietly to myself.

Then I looked up at a open window by the front door, I saw something, something flying threw the sky.

                   "What the heck is that?" I said, to myself again.

It was going fast, really fast, I finally realized that it was heading straight for the school! I turned around just in time to get blown across the room by a huge Explosion.

When I finally opened my eyes I was underneath a table, well... My legs were anyway, I was on my stomach, I could hardly move, I was able to look and see half the school was gone and I couldn't even find where me and my dad were, there was fire everywhere, I couldn't find my dad, I started to worry.

I needed to move, I needed to find him, I... I needed to tell him I was sorry, that I didn't mean to yell, please just give me that chance!
Then I saw someone, they walked up to me, I looked up at them trying to figure out who it was, I didn't recognize them, they just stood there and stared, um... Hello? I'm down her!! I thought as they stared, then they leaned down and whispered something in my ear.

"I know this is hard, *breath* but your whole family was already dead to me anyway"

It was a girl, I got one more glimpse at her before she left, and before I blacked out.

Sara's POV.

After Beatrice took her dad into a separate room to talk about who knows what! We stayed out side in the hallway and awkwardly stood there in silence.

"So... I've never seen your dad Sara who is he again?" Lincoln asked, I looked at him with a confused/ mad look, he already knew who my dad was, he was just trying to figure out a way that he could talk about his dad.

"Peter... Peter Parker I said proudly. Spider-Man" I said quietly.

"I've... I've never seen him actually visit you here... Does he?" He asked.

I was confused but I didn't show it, he has never asked me that question before, I just stood there irritated, I didn't know what to say to that.

"No we... Don't talk much actually" I said, quietly.

I could tell that everyone else around us didn't feel very comfortable.

"Oh that stinks" he said.

I secretly rolled my eyes, he was so annoying when he tried to be nice to me.

"Yeah... It does" I said, uncomfortable.

"So who star-"

"You know I don't feel very comfortable about this could you stop!" I snapped.

"Stop what!" He snapped.

"Stop your stupid questions!!.... You don't need to know about my sucky life with my father!!" I snapped back.

"Well excuuusee me!"

"You know what! I don't even know what Beatrice sees in you!" I yelled.

"Yeah well I don't know why your father hates you!" He yelled, until he realized what he said and he had a regretful look on his face.

I struggled holding back tears and left the school, I just walked and walked, looking at the ground, pretty soon I realized that I wasn't by the school anymore.
I looked around and there were trees everywhere, was I in a forest? I thought, I looked around me once more and then heard rustling, I quick turned to that direction and shot a web, hoping I got what was coming at me, then I quickly felt pain I looked at my shoulder and there was a arrow in my shoulder I looked back in the direction of the arrow and I saw three people, one with a concerned look on his face, one with a spider web on his mouth and the middle one looked like E Nalla!
Although I couldn't tell, because I blacked out right after I saw his face, from all the pain.

E Nalla's POV.

Beatrice is gonna kill me.

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