Lincoln and Beatrice.

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Once we were back at the school I ran inside the building and headed for my room, waiting for me at the door was Bernard and Calvin.

"Hi Beatrice!" They both said, I felt bad not saying anything to them, all I did was run right threw them and ran to my room, but I was unaware that there job was to text Lincoln and tell him when I was back.

Bernard's POV.

We said he to Beatrice but she ran right threw us like we were nothing.

"Well we should probably tell Lincoln that she's here and timing away from us" Calvin said.

"Well you finally had a good idea Calvin congratulations" I said and handed him a his phone so he could text him.

"Ok! Umm.... How do you spell beatrice?" He asked.

"Oh give me that!!" I snapped, and ripped the phone away from him.

I could text faster then Calvin anyway.

Beatrice's POV.

I ran quickly to my room.

"I knew I should have taking the back door!" I yelled at myself as I turned a corner, one more corner and I would be at my room.

Meanwhile Lincoln was coming from the opposite direction and heading my way, I didn't know that.

I turned the last corner and ran into a closed door, I fell to the ground.

"What the heck!" I yelled holding my head, I could have sworn I broke the door knob off of that thing a few days ago, it should have opened!
I looked up from the ground and saw Lincoln standing there with wide eyes and a door knob in his hand.

"I'm so sorry... He said helping me up. I was putting a new door knob on your door and ......Wait...Why were you running?" He asked.
"Crap!" I whispered to myself, luckily he didn't hear me.

"Bee?! Why were you running?" He asked again, this time walking towards me, one foot at a time I stepped back, that was until l ran into Bernard, I slowly turned around and looked at Bernard, my chin was practically on his chest, he looked down at me.

"Hi" he said, I slowly turned my back the opposite direction of him and Lincoln and slowly backed up.

That was until I again bumped into someone, this time it was Calvin.

"Dang you Lincoln and your stupid bodyguards!" I said, as I turned again walking down a hall, they were all in a line now, I was at an intersection there were three ways I could go, right, left or keep on backing up.

I opened my mouth to speak, but instead of speaking a ran to my left, threw a bunch of people. Bernard and Calvin ran after me, but I didn't see Lincoln that probably wasn't good, I ran down a corner and ran into you know who, I must have lost Calvin and Bernard because I didn't see them next to Lincoln, I rubbed my head because I bumped it on Lincoln's chest.

"Ah! What is that a rock!" I said looking up at him still rubbing my head.

"Believe me you'll know what a rock feels like if you don't tell me what the heck happened!" He said, I could tell he was angry.

I sighed and laid down on the ground, Lincoln picked me up and held me by the stomach I hit his hand with my metal arm but all it did was heal, I finally decided to admit my defeat and let him take me into my room, he put my down on my bed and he sat down next to me.

"Now tell me what happened..... He said. And please no more lies" he said he sounded like he was tired, I could tell he didn't want mess around.

"E Nalla.... I sighed. Likes me the same way you do. I said putting my hair behind my ears. It's kind of awkward between us now. I said looking down at my carpet. Which sucks because we were really good friends" I said, it did suck! Me and E Nalla were never a thing and I never wanted to be a thing! I think of him like a older brother I never had! Not like that!

Lincoln stood up and looked at me, I looked up at him, I couldn't tell if he was mad or sad or anything! He just looked like he understood! But that makes no sense! I know Lincoln! He never acts like that!

Suddenly his face changed, Oh Crap, he was mad!

He bent down and whispered in my ear.

"If I ever see him here again I will kill him... I just want you to know that" he said and walked out of the room, I groaned and threw my head in my hands, that's when everyone came in.

"Are you ok?" Asked Aurora.

I opened my mouth and mouthed "why" to them.

"What?" Asked Sara.

"Where were you like fifteen minutes ago!"

 Daughters/Beatrice B Barnes [Editing]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora