30. Follow.

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It's mom Beatrice

I dropped my phone everyone looked at me, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, as I walked towards the exit, I finally started running and I ran out side, all I could hear and see was people and kids laughing and playing, then someone grabbed me from behind, it was a boy a young boy he looked as if he was a little bit older then me, everything stopped going on slow motion and went back to normal speed.

"Beatrice?" He said excited.

"Please tell me your not mom" I said really worried.

"What! Oh no! No I'm I'm your older brother!" He said smiling.

I shook my head and smiled really weird.

"You you!" I sadly didn't get to finish that sentence as I slipped out of his hands and fell to the ground unconscious.

His POV.

She slipped out of my hands like butter, I quickly bent down and checked her pulse.

"She's fine" said a voice next to me, I looked up and it was my mom.

"How do you know?" I asked as I still checked her pulse on her hand this time.

"Because your father does the same thing when he's freaking out or really confused" she said.

I didn't really like it when she mentioned Bucky, after all he left and I hated him for not telling Beatrice that mom didn't die, or that I even existed!

"Can you not mention his name" I said my eyes on my little sister.

"Ok I won't. Pick her up and put her in the car we'll take her home for one night" she said.

"Isn't that kidnapping?" I asked.

"1 we're related 2 she's clearly not a kid anymore!" She said opening the door to the back seat of our car.

"Ok fine but don't tell me I didn't tell you so" I said, I picked her up bridle style and laid her in the back seat of our car.

Sara's POV.

  "Bee?!!" I yelled, holding Beatrice's phone in one hand.

"Maybe she left because she doesn't like us anymore!" Crystal worried.
Athena rolled her eyes and Aurora was just confused on what she said.

"You do realize that that is stupid right?" Aurora said.

"Hey! Maybe she's in that car that's driving away!" Athena said and pointed.

"Ok now your stupid!" I said.

"No! Look she is!" Crystal yelled.

I looked over and saw someone lay Beatrice down in a car and drive away.

"Follow. That. Car!" I said angry.

Everyone backed away and the ran after the car.

I used my spider webs to grab into the car but there was nothing to stand on! So I was running, and I couldn't keep up!

Long story short stop sign and ouch!

"Wow you ran right into that stop sign Sara!" Athena said.

"Thanks so much I didn't notice!" I yelled.

"Great we lost the car too!" Aurora yelled, she kicked a rock.

"Well did anyone get the license plate?" Crystal said, we all looked at her like we were idiots, and we were.

"Why didn't we think of that!!" I yelled, I was on the ground , note to self stop signs hurt, bad!

"Don't worry guys I got this! Athena said while pulling out her phone. When you decided to run into that stop sign I decided to video tape you Doing it" she said proudly.

We watched the video and everyone either laughed or said ouch! Then we saw what I was looking for the card license plate, I took the phone from Athena and paused it.

"Yes! Gotcha! I said. Don't worry bee we're coming for ya" I said looking at the license plate.
Then Athena grabbed the phone and watched it over and over again the whole walk back to the school, pretty soon the sound of her laughter began to annoy me and it took all my strength to keep from either punching her in the face, or webbing her mouth shut.

Then we finally got back to the school, Crystal went over to look up the license plate on the library computer, while the rest of us read over her shoulder.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Just for you to know make sure you pay close attention to the next chapters so you don't get confused on who's talking:-)
Thank you and please Comment!

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