31. Brother? Mother? What the?

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I woke up on a coach I didn't recognize, and a house I really didn't recognize!

"What the!?" I whispered as I tried to remember what happened yesterday, did dad get a new house? I thought.
Then the memories flew like a river.

"Oh Crap I've been Captured!" I said awkwardly to loud.

"Oh morning sweetie" said a tired voice behind me, she yawned.

"You you! *yawn* You kidnapped me!!" I yelled, and pointed holding a candlestick to defend myself.

"I told you!!" Said a bit who walked in the room and yelled at the woman.

"Oh I did not! She's my daughter I can do what I want!" She said, walking around the kitchen table and into the living room were I was sleeping.

"So... So wait your mom?" I asked, still holding the candlestick at her.

"Yes Beatrice... I really wish we didn't have to meet like this" she said, constantly looking at the candlestick and then me.

"Like me holding a candlestick thinking that it will protect me when I know it won't, or you kidnapping me!" I said, I was really starting to freak out!

"I think she kinda meant both" the boy said.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you to shut up if I don't know what your name is!" I said, looking at him, and pointing the candlestick at my mother.

"Sorry it's Ryan" he said holding out his hand for me to shake, I shook it.

"Hi I'm Beatrice" I said.

"I'm Elizabeth" my mom said, I shook her hand.

"Oh I'm Beatrice this is Ryan.. NOW STOP! THAT!!!!" I yelled, I felt like I was going crazy!

"Listen Beatrice I just want to make things right" Elizabeth said.

"If you want to leave, I'll take you back. Ryan said. But if you just listen to our side of the story...it'll fix everything" he said.

"Just put the candlestick down" Elizabeth said.

I slowly put the candlestick on the table, I was glad I was wearing gloves so they couldn't see my metal hands, even if they wouldn't let me leave I could still fight my way out of this.

"Ok... You gonna let us talk?" Elizabeth asked.

"For now" I answered, I sat down on the coach and waited for her to tell me her side of the story.I

~~time skip~~
I wasn't sure who to believe, my father or my kinda mother, I hated mom for leaving, but I also hated dad for not telling me that my mom was alive and that I had a two year older brother.


"Well... I believe you if that's what your looking for... But I still am going back, my friends need me" I said.

Ryan sighed.

"And your dad to?" He asked, he didn't sound very happy.

"Yes! Ok! I don't care what happened between you guys! That's not my problem! The only thing I will be asking my dad about! Is why the heck he lied to me about Elizabeth being dead! " I yelled at him.

"You can call me mom you know" Elizabeth said, calmly.

"Yeah.. Well you know I don't really want to, your like a stranger to me... You got to realize that!"

There was an awkward silence for a while, and I didn't care, they don't have the right to yell at the only person that stayed with me after all these years, they were the ones that left, and I am still mad at my dad! We are gonna talk about this! But right now I'm to focused on the people in front of me.

 Daughters/Beatrice B Barnes [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now