43. New bunk mate.

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I woke up the next morning in my old room, I had to move today, "no more sleeping in the hospital", I mumbled to myself.
So I quickly got up, put on some clothes that I left at the school, and got to work.

I put on my headphones and grabbed my Ipod and put on 'Boys like you' by Anna Clendening.

I was swaying back and fourth and singing along to the lyrics as I packed up all my stuff in boxes.

I had a navy blue T shirt and black leggings on.

"Maybe mama, doesn't always know best" I sang, hitting ever last note on the last verse perfectly, that's when I noticed someone standing in the doorway, she had a smile on her face, and she laughed when I jumped, finally noticing she was in the room.

I took out my headphones and shut off my Ipod, I realized that I had seen this girl before, and the slight bruise across her cheek told me that we didn't meet the way I would hope.

"So, your a good fighter and you can sing, well I was not expecting, that" she said, her arms crossed over her chest while she continued to lean against the doorway.

I hung my head low, as I got to my feet.

"Yeah, about that" I spoke, I looked up at her ready to say something, but she stopped me.

"Don't bother apologising" she said. "It was, entertaining" she finished.

"I'm Beat-"
"I know who you are" she said unfolding her arms, she held out her hand. "Helena" she said.

I took her hand and shook it slightly, after I was done she didn't let go, she just stared at me, anger, filled her eyes, until she let go and smiled.

"Sorry, it's, just been a while, since I've been this close to someone, without hurting them" she finished, she smirked at her words and took a step back.

"Helena." I said, questioning where I've heard that name before, then it came to me. "Your, my new room mate, aren't you?" I said closing my eyes at the thought that I beat up someone I'm supposed to sleep in the same room with.

She chuckled. " Yeah, I am" she said with that smirk again.

"Listen, I am so, so s-"

"Don't be. She interrupted. It's not like I'm dead right?"


"Good. I'll see you in our room tonight, I should be moved in by then" she finished.

"Um. Ok?" I answered.

She turned around and walked out the door.

"Well, she isn't strange at all" I said out loud.

"Who?" Asked a voice behind me.

"AHH!!!!" I screamed, and jumped around, it was Sara!

"What the Heck! Man!" I yelled , holding my chest, where my heart was located, trying to control my breathing.

"Sorry" she chuckled, and looked around the room.

"Sara listen, I'm-"

"Your moving out, I know, Professor told me" she said with a sad smile.

"Your not going punch me?!" I asked. I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. "Who are you and what have you done with Sara!!? " I yelled.

"Would you get off me you dork!!" She yelled, shoving me off her in the process.

"Opp never mind your back!" I said smiling.

She shook her head.

"Your mad" she said.

"Hey man! We're all mad here!" I said, rapping my arm around her neck and walking out of our no longer shared room.

"Lets go get some coffee!"

"I think you've had enough coffee Beatrice"

"Fine. Then let's get a fried egg sandwich in you!" (I congratulate you if you got that;-))

"Oh gosh" she said putting her head in her hand.

(Later- in the coffee shop)

"She's just, I don't know, weird, and familiar in a strange way" I said taking a sip of my coffee, that I practically had to beg Sara to let me have.

"Hmm? Maybe she's your sister?" She joked.

"Oh! Wow! So funny I forgot to laugh! " I said sarcastically.

She chuckled.

"Well at least she's not as bad as my new room mate!" She said taking a sip from her coffee.

"You met her already?" I asked swallowing my Carmel frappe before I spoke.

"Um, yeah. Professor introduced me to her when I was dropped off" she said mumbling the last part.

"Wait? Who dropped you off?" I asked setting my cup on the table we were at.

She sighed. "My dad" she grumbled.

"Wow! Enthusiastic aren't we!"

She gave me a 'drop it' look. I didn't.

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked.

"Ha! More like what did he talk about! All he did was talk! And was it about how I was doing in school?! Or how I was recovering! No! All he talked about was how stupid I was to go wondering into the forest! And getting shot with an arrow! He was more concerned about my powers then what was happening with me and E Nalla!! " She said dropping her hands on the table, along with her face.

"Well I'm sure he... Wait. You and E Nalla?"

Her head shot up quicker then the arrow that shot her in the shoulder.

Her eyes were widened and her cheeks had a nice little pink glow that you could barely see. But I could. She put her hands in her lap, and just sat there staring at me like I had a snake around my neck. My lips curved into a wide dipole that made her blush even more.

"Oh, my, gosh!" I yelled, everyone else in the room moved there eyes to the two of us, Sara put her hand on my mouth to try and keep me quiet, she practically was on the table.

I removed her hand.

"Your in love! Your in love! Your in love!" I repeated over and over again.

"Shut up! Beatrice or I'm gonna punch you in the nose!" She threatened.

"Your gonna have to punch me in the mouth!" I laughed.

She grabbed her coffee, chugged it down and threw it away.

I ran after her, chugging down the rest of my coffee as she did.

"Wait! Sara! I'm sorry please!" I laughed as I chased after her.

Thanks for waiting for me to update!
Words: 1056
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