Youth At Its Finest

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Edit: The following chapter has been edited by the author. May have minor/major changes. Enjoy!

1/2/2024: Changes in grammer and minor change in narrative.


"Katsuki, is that you?! Get in here brat!"

Katsuki slipped off his shoes before dropping his backpack by the door. They fell with a thump as he threw it carelessly. The seven-year-old padded down the hall towards the living room.

Sitting on the couch was his mother. Anyone who had ever seen both mother and son would immediately know where Katsuki received his looks. Both shared the same spiky ash-blond hair and skin tone, along with their ever noticeable red eyes. He was like the male version of her. But not only did he inherit her looks, but also her brash and loud tendencies.

"Katsuki, go change into some better clothes. You're coming with me to visit a friend." she said casually as Katsuki glowered in anger.

"What! Why do I have to go!?" He spat out with his eyes narrowed, tone having more bite than usual. Picking up on it, Katsuki's mother's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Watch it brat, or you will be grounded for a week! Besides, we are visiting your Auntie Inko, Izuku-kun's mother, so you better behave!" She warned, a finger pointed in his direction, a warning being given off of voice. Recognizing that he was entering dangerous territory, he backed off, swallowing his choice of words. He knew when to push.

Without saying anymore, his mother left the room to go to her room. "You better change!" she called back. Katsuki clenched his small fists, and ran off to his room with an angry growl, slamming the door, and when his mother screamed at him for said action, he ignored it.

He leaned against the door, glaring at the floor before him. 

Why the heck did he have to go to Deku's house? It was not like they're friends or anything

He stomped on the tiny voice that told him it was his fault. Strangely, it sounded like the new girl's voice.

He walked over to his closet. His room consisted of posters and bedsheets of heroes from all around, but most of them were of All Might, because he was the best. Like any kids his age, he was dying to one day be a hero. And not just any hero, but the number one hero! Even better than All Might!

Katsuki grabbed a black t-shirt, a red hoodie with a grenade printed on the front, and a pair of blue jeans.

He shimmied out of his dirty clothes, pushing the memories of the cause of the stains. Good thing his mom hadn't gotten a good look at him, although he knew that she would be pissed when she saw the grass stains.

As he was about about to throw them in his dirty laundry basket, he unconsciously looked at the stains, and he was unable to stop the flood of memories.

That girl. Kurohi Shihana. How could someone so weak-looking beat him?!

When Bakugou had first gotten a glimpse of her, he had instantly thought of a flower, because she looked as weak as one. With her flowing white hair, large yellow eyes and tiny stature, she looked as though she could have been blown away by a strong gust of wind. She had looked so small and thin. And yet, her eyes...had been weird.

Katsuki had thought that she would be weak, and had had no problem with voicing his opinion on the matter. The fact that everyone had agreed only proved his point that he was most likely right! But of course that DEKU had to try to act the hero! 

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