Training For The Future

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! Had so many tests -_-ll

Shihana collapsed on the floor, exhausted. Her lungs felt like they were about to burst and the black of water was not helping one bit.

"Hey, come now! You have to get up and move! Otherwise you won't be able to keep up with the schedule I made you! You as well, Young Midoriya!"All-Might's loud voice boomed in their direction.

Shihana lifted her head from the ground to see that All-Might was Kneeling over her, casting as large shadow. At least the shade was nice. Looking of her shoulder with some difficultly, her arms wobbly, she saw that Izuku had fallen to his knees, looking ready to drop dead like her.

Training was, simply putting it, hell. During the first-half of the summer, both Shihana and Izuku had to spend the time training by dragging off huge amounts of trash off the beach, some things weighing more than them. Every morning, without fail, the two teens would shows up the beach before the sunrise. All-Might would already be there, large grin and all, greeting them in that heroic voice of his. He would immediately tell them to drop and give him 100 push-ups. And that was just the warm-up.

This is how it went for the first few months. It was draining, between all the running, dragging, pushing, lifting and more. Besides that, they also had the taxing Nobody of studying for at least 2 hours everyday. The U.A. written exam was no joke. Only a few ever passed them. Rain or shine, there was always something to exercise. Be brain or body.

Shihana groaned as she slowly lifted herself off the beach floor, her body sending out loud protests at the movements. She looked over to her left, towards the beautiful horizon of the calm ocean waves. Already the skin was sinking into the ocean, casting and orange-pink hue over the beach. Glancing down at her watch, she saw that it was 6:55 p.m.

All-Might saw this motion before also checking the time himself. "Nah! You are correct!" He was referring the to expression on her face as a result of seeing how late it was." It is almost time to leave for the day. Today I'm feeling generous, so you can go now. But tomorrow" he held a finger up," you will clean more of the beach until 8 p.m.!" He announced.

Just as he finished the last word, there was a burst of smoke.

Instead of the tall and imposing that was once standing, there was now a thing man, wearing clothes that three-times to big for his thing frame. They hung on his body. The man coughed, blood dripping down his mouth as a result.

"Ah! All-Might! Are you alright?" Shihana and Izuku hurried over to him, looks of concerns on both their faces. The former of the two opened a small pouch that hung around her waist and opened it. She pulled out a Kleenex, handing it to All-Might who thanked her with a smile.

This was a common occurrence. Yet both teens always felt the need to worry over the Hero in front of them since he rarely did so himself, always taking risks.

All-Might smiled behind the Kleenex. The two kids in front of had grown a lot over the last months of training. "Nah, don't worry yourselves out, I'm fine. As for you two, make sure you study when you get home. With only four months left, you are going to need every bit of knowledge. But good work today! I can really see the improvement. Keep it up. Tomorrow, you both are going to have to carry me in my other form." He smiled. "Goodnight. Oh—Shihana, would you like me to walk you to the orphanage?" Now All-Might and Izuku turned to look at Shihana.

Shihana didn't even have to think about it. She shook her head. "No, its okay. I'll be fine. You should go now, All-Might. You used your other form for a pretty long time." She scratched the back of her neck. "I'll be fine. Thank you though. Have a goodnight." She nodded at him and stepped back.

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