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OH MY LORD I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE COMMENT WITH THE SUGGESTION FOR THIS CHAPTER AND I CANT FUCKING FIND IT AFTER SEARCHING THROUGH ALL OF MY DM'S AND BOOKS. Whoever suggested this chapter or something like it, this one goes out to you. Now on with the story! (In this one, Dipper and Bill are 15, just a heads up) (Red is Wendy)
Also, thank you soooooooooo much for 1K views, it means a lot! Thank y'all for this :3
Billy's POV

Grrr...what is he doing with her?!, I think as I glare at Red from a distance. She laughs a little at something my Pinetree said. Her eyes slide over in my direction for a second and I dive behind a potted plant.

Pinetree had work today in the gift shop at the Mystery Shack. I tagged along because I was bored and he was my boyfriend so I had to keep an eye on him at all times. Then, not even fifteen minutes later, Red just comes waltzing in, and starts talking to Pinetree! I know she works here, but seriously, does she have to get all up in his face during a friendly conversation?!

As I poke my head our from behind the plant, I see that Red has now gotten even closer to Dipper's face, and she- wait, is she flirting with him? My eyes turn red and the tips of my hair start to smoke. How dare she! Pinetree is oblivious to Red's obvious attempts, luckily. But then he says something that makes my heart drop into my stomach.

"Hey Wendy, do you want to go get some coffee? You know, to talk and stuff." I hear Dipper say casually.
"Oh ok, yeah. I'm up for it." Red says. I can practically hear the attempted flattery dripping from underneath her words.
"Cool! So, should we go now?" Pinetree says. He grabs his bag and walks out from behind the counter.
"Sure!" Red says, slightly batting her eyelashes. I grit my teeth. This bitch...

I realize that when they walk by the plant, they're going to see me. So I snap my fingers and teleport to the couch in the living room before Pinetree can see me, and I turn on the TV to make it look like I've been there all along. Then Pinetree walks in and over to the couch.

"Hey Bill, I'm going out for coffee with Wendy so we can catch up. I'll be back in an hour." Dipper says.
"Ok." I say, looking up at him.
"Love you, babe." Dipper kisses me on the cheek.
"Love you too, Pinetree." I say.

As he walks away with Wendy, I see the red-haired bitch turn around and sneer at me. I growl and glare at her.
"Yeah, bye Bill." Red says with obvious spite bubbling in her tone.

When they're both gone and have driven away, I run upstairs and find Mabel.
"SHOOTING STAR!!! I HAVE A PINETREE EMERGENCY." I scream, bursting into her and Pinetree's room. Shooting Star's head whips up and her eyes are as big as dinner plates.
"What is it?" she says frantically, sweeping away scrapbook materials and rushing over to me.

"RED'S GONNA STEAL PINETREE AWAY FROM ME!" I cry. I curl up on the floor and hug my knees, salty tears starting to roll down my face. Shooting Star drops down on her knees so she can hug me. "How do you know?" she asks while rubbing my back. "She was *sniff* flirting with him and trying to seduce him." I choke out. Mabel's face turns murderous. "That bitch!" she hisses. "HOW DARE SHE! She knows that Dipper's taken!!"

I hug her tighter. "What am I going to do?" I say. "I give you full permission to spy on that traitorous boyfriend-stealer." Shooting Star says with full seriousness. I sit up and wipe away my tears. "Ok. Do you want to come spy with me?" I ask. I'm now filled with a determination to end Red, who I now think (despite previous assumptions) is a hoe. "HELL YES!" Shooting Star says. She punches the air and whoops. "Come on!" I say.

We run downstairs and sit by the window. I snap my fingers for a bowl of popcorn. "So where are they now?" Mabel says. I pull up a little window portal that shows where a person is and what they're doing (Like the All Seeing Eye spell from SVTFOE, but more Bill), then turn to Shooting Star. "Right now they're in a Starbucks." I say. "Pinetree wanted to get some coffee with her so they could catch up, but I think Red is there for more than that." "Ugh, what a thot!" Mabel scoffs. She digs her hand into the popcorn and shoves a handful into her mouth.

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