Divide and Conquer

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You go left and I'll go right. Or should I go left and you go right?


Shelby's POV

We headed to the jail where it had been reported that someone was breaking into jail. Weird, right? I mean I would break out of jail, but whatever.

The outside gates were broken through and lay in pieces everywhere. The guards to the jail rushed around trying to find the intruder. I found that hard to believe that they couldn't find him, I mean he had to be at least ten feet tall.

The guards opened fire on the intruder, but it had little effect, after all this criminal's name was Cinderblock, and for good reason. He was made out of what looked like pure stone. He gave them a look and stomped the ground causing cracks to open up and rocks to fly everywhere. Then he walked into the main part of the jail, where the prisoners were held. Where we were waiting for him.

"You know, Cinderblock the bad guys usually break out of jail." Beast Boy said.

"And I can think of six good reasons you don't wanna break in." Robin said.

Each of us went out into the open rattling off a number.

Angry he rushed at us. "Titans go!"  Robin yelled.

We all went for him, ready to fight. Robin kicked him, and Starfire hit him with a star bolt. But it just seemed to make him even more angry.

Cinderblock punched Cyborg and Robin sending them flying, then he grabbed Starfire holding her hostage. I decided to step in I let a burst of power go, hitting him hard. He dropped Starfire and fell backwards. Then he got up and grabbed me, he picked me up to where we were face-to-face, then threw me into the roof.

I hit with so much force that the ceiling cracked. I fell to the ground, my broken bones already healing. I had to help my team, so I started to get back up.

"No, Shelby! Stay  down, we can do this." Robin said.


Robin's POV

After I saw Shelby fall to the ground after hitting the ceiling, I thought she was done for. But she had tried to get back up, which didn't exactly surprise me. She was really stubborn.

I jumped onto Cinderblock's back holding on for dear life. He began to thrash around.

"Thrashing around only makes me hold tighter." I told him as he grabbed on of the support beams to use as a bat-like thing. Swinging at me, I jumped off landing next to Cyborg.

"Now there's an idea." Cyborg said, pulling another support beam off the wall and going after Cinderblock with it. Cyborg was knocked backwards when he was hit with the beam.

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