Apprentice Part 1

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Always two there are, a master and an apprentice. Except in this case, cause we're cool like that.


Robin's POV

I chased after Slade, hot on his heels. We stopped at a place with rocks surrounding us, and he was hiding from me, taunting me.

I looked around, waiting and listening for any signs of movement. Finally he stepped out from behind a rock.

“Dangerous behavior Robin. You must be very eager to see me, I'm flattered.” Slade said, advancing towards me.

“I'm not here to see you. I'm here to stop you.” I held up my fists, ready to fight him.

“But how can you stop me, when you don't even know what I'm planning?” Slade asked, as we circled each other.

“Like this.” I ran at him, aiming a roundhouse kick towards his head, which he blocked.

I kicked and punched, running after him. And he proceeded to dodge and evade me, while I hit every other thing besides him. Mainly the rocks. But never him.

All the while he was aiming kicks and punches at me as well.

“Excellent Robin. We appear to be evenly matched, and equally ruthless. Not surprising, you and I are so very much alike.”

“I am nothing like you!” I punched him, making him fall to the ground. “You're a criminal, a psychopath, all you care about is destruction.”

“And all you care about, you destroy.” He motioned to the rocks that we had knocked over around us, they were the faces of my friends, Raven, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Shelby. Their broken faces stared back at me from the wreckage.

“No...” I turned back to Slade, “Who are you?!” I ripped off his mask, and behind it was Shelby's face, but it was Slade's laughter that came from her mouth.

That's when I woke up in the evidence room, sweating and my heart beating a mile a minute. Then the door opened and Shelby came in.

“It's him. It's Slade.”


Shelby's POV

Slade was on the big screen in our living room, his face looking at each and every one of us.

“Good morning Teen Titans. I do hope I didn't wake you.”

Beast Boy came into the room then, stretching his arms out in front of him. “What are you? An insomniac? Who calls at five in the mo-” He was cut off by Raven elbowing him in the ribs.

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