Masks Part 1

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It's absolutely of no importance who or what V was under the mask. He isn't a who or a what, he's an idea. The thing is, you couldn't continue it. Now and then the idea of a sequel has been raised, in vague forms, but I think it would be a bad idea. The story's finished.


Shelby's POV

We waited for one of Slade's drones to come and get the chip that we were watching. Just as the drone was about to grab the chip Robin said, "Tell Slade that if he wants this he can come get it himself." Then he dropped from the ceiling aiming a kick at the drone's head.

It flipped backwards and landed, then prepared to spring forward. Then the lights flipped on revealing the rest of us. The drone hesitated when it saw me, it was almost afraid to hurt me. No one but Robin knew about my connection with Slade and that was how it was going to stay for now at least.

A laser pointer went through the floor and down came more of Slade's drones. They began to shoot at us with lasers, they didn't aim for me though. I gritted my teeth, Slade didn't want me hurt.

A drone came after me, it didn't attack it just tried to grab me. I kicked it, knocking its head off and revealing the wiring underneath. I saw Slade's face. It was a message.

"Congratulations, Shelby. You have managed to keep me a secret from your friends. But that's about to change." He gave a laugh. "You thought you could run away from your problems, and your destiny, but you couldn't have been more wrong." Then the drone began to tick, seconds later it exploded sending me flying into the air. I flipped and landed on my feet.

"Are you okay?" Robin asked me. I nodded and kept fighting, pushing what Slade had said to the back of my mind.

We kept fighting and eventually one of the drones grabbed the chip and ran away. Robin and I chased after it. Robin threw a birdarang at it knocking it out of its hand. It flew into the air where Beast Boy caught it with his anteater tongue. Then he hit a wall and a different drone stepped on his tongue causing him to give it up. Then it back-flipped and landed with the rest of the drones minus one.

It threw some kind of smoke bomb down and they disappeared. Growling I threw a ball of energy where they disappeared.

"Calm down." Raven said. "Your power is everywhere."

"Sorry I just haven't meditated in a while." I lied. Then we ran down the hall where they had been standing.

"Split up!" Robin told us. We did, each of us taking a random tunnel. I followed my tunnel to little avail. I didn't find any of the drones.


Robin's POV

Instead of taking a tunnel, I went through a sewer door. Landing in the sewer, I saw one of the drones. I chased after it , not wanting it to get away. I threw a birdarang at him, but he broke it into a million pieces.

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