Apprentice Part 2

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Shelby's POV

We were all still in the room, Robin's communicator was going crazy in the corner, but we weren't going to risk talking to them. I was helping Devin with his powers, and Robin was watching us.

“Okay, so just think about what you want to do, and then it will.” I told him, as he sat in front of me with his eyes closed. He was whispering under his breath, willing something to happen.

He opened his eyes as his powers fizzled out. “I don't think it's working.” He gave a small smile.

“It just takes time. You'll get it.” I let a small ball of light appear between my hands, and Devin looked at it with envy.

“Here. Let's try this.” I took one of Devin's hands in mine, and let my power fuse with his, one of the light bulbs in the corner sparked, then burst. I yanked my hand away, frightened by the energy that we had released.

He looked at me, and I looked away. My eyes met Robin's for a split second before he looked away from me.

“Robin? Robin please, where are you?” It was Starfire's voice, coming from Robin's communicator. She didn't seem to be the least bit concerned about me.

Then Slade came into the room. “Suit up, your first mission is about to begin.”

Devin and Robin both put on their masks, and I pulled on my cloak, using it to hide my face. I flew above Devin and Robin, who were jumping from building to building, finally we landed on a science building which had what Slade wanted inside of it.

We kicked a hole in the thin metal roof, and landed in the dark interior. Sitting, lit up like a Christmas tree was the three things that Slade wanted. What they were, I had no idea, I was just here to steal them for him.

Robin threw one of Slade's devices and it landed on the lock, exploded but didn't break it open.

“Lame.” He looked at me, but I couldn't see his expression, but I was pretty sure that he was rolling his eyes at me.

I went up and touched the lock, and with a short burst of power, the lock fell off, and I grabbed one of the items, and Robin and Devin did the same.

That's when we heard footsteps and yelling, “They've stolen the thermal blaster!” Huh, so that's what this thing was.

We ran out the door, and along the skywalk, dodging gunfire as they shot at us, trying to take us down.

When they began to catch up, I soared into the air on my wings, and perched on top of the building. Devin and Robin both did a series of complicated flips and soon both were next to me, one on each side.

We stared down at our enemy, and when they were gone, we jumped down. Just as we began to run the other way, two people blocked our path, then as we backed up there were two behind us as well.

It was the remaining members of the Teen Titans.

“Stop now!” It was Cyborg. He didn't know who we were, my face was covered and every inch of my body was covered with black clothing, and Robin and Devin might of well as been two of the drones, I mean they looked like it.

We ran to the edge of the building, and stopped when the skywalk ended, and turned to look at the Titans.

When we turned, the light revealed the two masks, and my hooded face. Then as if nature was against me, the wind blew making my hood fall and revealing my face.

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