Only Human

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Shelby’s POV


It was just another normal day of training, Starfire shooting star bolts at randomly flying objects that were coming at her, Robin punching a dummy, Raven using her powers to shoot things into the air, Beast Boy switching animals to run at different speeds on a treadmill, me teaching Devin how to control his powers so he didn’t blow us all up, and Cyborg lifting weights on the machine in the corner. Just another normal day in Jump City (when we weren’t fighting crime that is).

Right after Devin decided to let his powers blow up one of the giant lights in the training room, I sighed and stood up from sitting on the floor, and turned to see the rest of the team surrounding Cyborg, who was trying to lift a heavy amount of weight on the weight machine.

They were urging him on, with loud whoops and cheers. I headed over, standing next to Robin, who was saying: “No, Cyborg, I’m not gonna let you quit!”

“I can’t!” Cyborg yelled back to him, with strain in his voice.

“Yes you can!”

Then, Cyborg seemed to have lost all strength, because he let go, and the weight fell on him, crushing him underneath of it.

“Cyborg!” I yelled, using my powers to immediately lift the weights off of him, and he slowly allowed himself to roll out of the way, so I could drop the weights back down to the floor.

Robin offered Cyborg his hand, which he ignored and stood up, pushing past everyone and walking out of the room, with an angry expression on his face. Robin made to go after him, but I grabbed his arm and shook my head. “Give him some time to cool down, and then talk to him. But not right now Robin.”

He sighed, but agreed, and we all went back to our training for a little while longer.


Cyborg’s POV


Robin followed me soon after, and I was too annoyed to deal with him right now, but he wasn’t going to leave me alone, I knew.

“Cyborg, what happened back there?” He asked me, but I ignored him, I didn’t want to answer that question.

“Cyborg, I’m on your side here, I was just trying to get you to kick it up a notch.”

That’s when I turned around to look at him, in all his stupid spiky haired glory. Okay, maybe I was a little mad, “I don’t have another notch! I’m not like you, or any of them!” I pointed towards the training room, “When I say I can’t, I can’t!”

I started to walk away, but paused, and sighed, before continuing. “Back when I was an athlete, when I was human, I loved pushing my limits. Getting stronger, faster, better, just by trying harder than I ever had before. My coaches would tell me to always give a hundred and ten percent, and I would.”

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