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Shelby’s POV

We looked down at the girl running away from the large, black scorpion, which was chasing her. The look on her face was terrified as she turned to see how close it had gotten to her. Devin was on my right side, while Robin was on my left. It was kind of irritating, having them both cling to me like they did.

The girl narrowly dodged the stinger, and when she reached the end of the little rock alley she was running in, Robin opened his mouth to say his little catchphrase, and command us to attack, but I elbowed him in the ribs.

He gave me a curious look, and I just pointed down to where the girl was using her powers to break the rock bridge above the scorpion, it dropped on it, squishing it underneath.

The rest of the team had their mouths hanging open, except for me and Devin. We could have done the same thing with our power, but you know whatever.

She used a rock to come to our level, and she gave us strange looks.

“What you act like you’ve never seen a superhero before.” She said, smiling.

I had to bite my tongue with the remark that I would have given her. Devin cleared his throat and Robin stepped forwards, being the first person to come out of his stupor. 

“Hi, I’m Robin and we’re-“

“The  Teen Titans! Sweet! It's cool to meet you guys! I'm Terra, and you're Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Shelby, Devin, and-“ She pointed to us all in turn, saying our  names.

“Boy Beast! I- I mean Beat Box!” Beast Boy quickly changed into a turtle.

“Beast Boy? Wow, you crack me up!”


I got a strange feeling, like a creeping sensation crawling up my spine, and I turned to look at the rocks surrounding us. Seeing nothing, I tried to shake the feeling, but it wouldn’t go away. I looked at Devin and could see that he felt it too.

Starfire was immediately in the girl, Terra’s, face, asking her a million questions. “Where are you from, how did you get here, what is your favorite color, and do you wish to be my friend?” She seemed to say this all in one breath.

Terra had a confused look on her face as she answered the questions, “Earth, walked, red, and sure?”

Starfire squealed in delight and pulled Terra into a bone shattering hug. When Starfire let go, Terra stretched out her arms, trying to get feeling back into them.

“So,” Beast Boy said, walking up to Terra, “what brings such a cool chicky to our large and dangerous city?”

“I go where the wind takes me, you know, travelling to new places, meeting new people, and kicking some bad guy butt every now and again. It’s pretty cool.”

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