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If you've reached this point, thanks a ton for sticking around! But by this point in my writing, I've realized that there was a lot wrong with my grammar/ punctuation/ well everything. I've began rewrites and have a new version of this book up and running on my profile. It would mean the world to me if you went and checked out the new version with as much enthusiasm as you have this version.

Updates for this version conclude here, but will be continuing in the new version once all of these chapters have been updated into the new version. Also I've changed the way I'm going to do it and instead of posting all the 'seasons' into one book, I'll instead be making a book for every season and then possibly a short story based on the movie. That'll depend on how everything goes though.

I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to be able to do anything here. But for those of you who have stayed, I truly thank you. I don't deserve fans like you guys.



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