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"I'm glad we were able to take a break." I said to the lads as Liam drove us all to a surprise concert in San Diego.

"Yeah. We definitely deserve it." Louis said, sitting beside me with a cigarette in his hand. He and Zayn were sharing it.

"I'm hungry." Niall stated from the front seat.

"Niall, you just ate ten minutes ago." Liam said with a scoff, glancing at the Irish lad.

"I know, but I got hungry again." Niall pouted like a two year old, crossing his arms and looking down.

Liam sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not pulling over. We will make it to the concert on time. I got the tickets a month early and I plan on keeping them."

"Here." Louis whispered to Niall, passing a bag of chicken over.

"How the hell did you get-"

"Shh! I never tell, Harold." Louis said, placing a finger against my lips.

I bit it playfully and pulled away, smirking as I watched him cry dramatically.

"Zayn! Zayn! He bit meh! He bit me finger! Oi! I'm gonna die! This is the end! I see a light! Leeyum? Is that you? Are you-" he gasped, "are you God!?"

And with that, he pretended to die.

I snickered, glancing back at Zayn to find him inhaling the cigarette with a weird look on his face. He blew the smoke out the window and shook his head. "The kid is dumb."

"Hey! I'm older!" Louis snapped, deciding to resurrect himself.

"Glad you could join us, mate." I joked, earning no laughs from anyone.

"Yeah, but you are so immature." Zayn grinned, ruffling his hair. He then sat back and finished off the cigarette, before putting it out and a bottle of water that was almost gone.

"We are here!" Liam announced, finding a parking spot.

We all hopped out and waited for our turn, thankful we arrived a little later since there wasn't much of a line.

Once we got in, we immediately headed for where our seats were. We got our seats pretty far back from the stage so no one would freak and try to jump us.

Niall got on the bands Snapchat and started filming before the show, getting all of us in, before posting it.

The lights went down and everyone started to scream when the beat of 24K Magic started. We were at Bruno Mars.

"Head to toe, so player! Look up!" Niall and I sang, swaying to the music.

I turned around, being met with a pair of blue eyes. My body froze as I stared at her.

God, she was gorgeous.

She smiled at me and waved a little bit, saying something to the girl beside her, before going back to singing and dancing.

Niall pushed me out of my trance, making me turn to him and watch as Bruno danced with the back up dancers onstage.

"Alright, alright. Hello, San Diego!" Bruno yelled into the mic when the song was finished.

We all yelled back in return, laughing at each other.

"If you haven't heard, my name is Bruno Mars. This next song is gonna be a little slow. So find a girl and hold her close. Here's Talking To The Moon."

I turned my head, seeing the girl from before looking at her shoes uncomfortably. Instantly, my head shut off and my body went to work.

"Excuse me?" I asked her, leaning up to speak so she could hear. "Would you like to dance?"

Even though it was dark, I could see her blushing.

"Really?" She asked, smiling at me.

"Of course." I said, grinning. I held my hand out.

She grinned and took it, stepping on the seat to stand beside me. Instantly, we began to sway to the music.

"My name's Harry." I introduced, really hoping I didn't have bad breath. It would kill me if I did.

"My name's Maggie." She giggled, her arms around my neck.

"Do you like Bruno?" What a dumb question. Why would she be here if she didn't? Maybe her friend dragged her here.

"I love him. He is the best artist there is. No doubt." Maggie said immediately, a grin on her face.

"I've never done this before." I admitted, talking about just dancing with a random stranger.

"Me neither." She giggled, then glanced at my friends. "They seem to be enjoying themselves." She added with a laugh.

Niall was dancing with his bag of chicken that he snucked in, while Liam and Zayn danced together with dramatic faces on.

Louis was talking to the girl Maggie was standing with, both of them laughing and smiling.

"That's my sister Ashlee." Maggie told me, seeing that I was looking.

"She's pretty. But not as pretty as you." I said, giving her a wink.

Maggie burst into laughter, shaking her head. "Impossible." Only then did I notice she had a southern accent. Aww that is so cute.

We continued dancing and chatting and before I knew it the song was over.

"It was lovely meeting you, Maggie." I smile.

"You as well, Harry." She says.

"Maybe we can meet again?" I say. I really hope she wants to see me again, because I really wanted to see her.

"Yes!" She smiles. "Let's exchange numbers, and we can meet up sometime." She gives me her phone and I put my number in. I give her her phone back and smile at her.

She turns to go back to her seat.

"Oh, Maggie!" I call. She turns back around. "I really like your accent." I tell her.

She smiles. "I like yours too." She laughs, then goes back to her seat and starts chatting with her sister.

"So what was that all about?" Niall asks me, raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing." I tell him. He gives me a look that says 'I know you're up to something.' "Nothing! I swear!" I laugh.

"If you say so." He says taking a bite of his chicken.


"That concert was amazing!" Liam says as he walks into the door of our house.

"I know, right!? I love Bruno!" Zayn says following Liam into the living room.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm pooped." Niall tells us.

"Same here." I yawn. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight guys."

"Night." All the boys say at the same time.

And with that, I head upstairs to my room.

After brushing my teeth, washing my face, and putting on pajamas, I climb into bed. I decided to check my phone to see if I got any messages from fans and what not. I see a message from an unknown number.

818-123-4567- Hi, this is Maggie. Is this Harry?

Me- Hello, Maggie! Yes, this is Harry :)

I made her contact in my phone

Me- Do people call you Mags?

Mags<3- Umm, I guess. Why?

Me- No reason. Just curious ;)

Mags<3- okay.... well, I'm going to go to sleep. I've had a long day. I'll text you tomorrow :)

Me- alrighty. Goodnight, Maggie. Sweet dreams <3

I decided I better get some sleep too. I put my phone on the charger before turning out the lights and going to sleep.

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