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Louis had visited for a few days, spending the entire time with Ashlee and Bruce. They were really connected and happy, especially Ashlee. I honestly think she is in love with him. I know I feel that way towards Harry.

Harry and I spoke on the phone awhile ago and he promised he would visit soon.

Louis eventually had to leave, but he spent the night in Ashlee's room every night so she wasn't lonely and so she has gotten sleep.

I found myself singing along to Little Mix as I cleaned my room, getting ready to go to practice soon. Louis was gonna go before he leaves, saying he wanted to be with her for the remainder of time before he had to get back on tour.

That practice was spent with Louis constantly cheering everyone on, hooting and hollering after every scene.

Soon, it was time for him to go. He and Ashlee had an emotional goodbye, before he left for the airport.

I had cheered up Ashlee that night with movies and Chinese, then we danced all night in her room to random songs on our play lists. It was a nice distraction from all the drama that was happening.

"Did you hear Harry Styles is hanging out with Taylor Swift?" I overheard Sharron talking with Leon backstage as I was getting ready to go home.

"Wait, really? Again?" Leon asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Sworn they were kissing. The Sun says they're back together." Sharron replied, walking passed me.

"The Sun always tells the truth, so it must be true." Leon replied, before they were out of earshot.

I immediately pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked up Harry Styles and Taylor Swift on my Google.

Pictures of them popped up immediately of them holding hands and smiling at each other.

I immediately felt heart broken. Did he cheat on me? With her? He should know she only uses men for her music.

I went to my texts and started writing out my anger and heartbreak. I didn't know if this story was true, but Harry needed to know this and that I wasn't going to be some butt dial hookup.

After I hit sent, I turned off my phone and told Ashlee I was going home. Ashlee didn't notice my off mood as we walked out to the car.

It was only when we got home that she questioned me.

"Babe, what's going on? You look... pissed." Ashlee asked as she picked up Bruce.

I sighed and told her what happened, going upstairs to my room as she followed. Ashlee listened until I was done and then told me that I should just let him explain. But the thing is, he can easily lie over text and calling. I needed to see him face to face to know if he was truly lying or not.

"I really don't think Harry would do that to you. He really likes you." Ashlee said.

"I have no idea what he is capable of, Ash. We've only been dating... two months? If you count actually seeing each other. Three if you count seeing each other, and him being on the road." I told her.

"Well... I'm sorry to hear that." Ashlee said softly, placing her hand on my thigh. "Just know that you are an amazing girl who deserves an amazing boy."

I smiled and gave her a hug, before we got ready for another four hour rehearsal.


Harry's POV

"What now?" I asked, sitting down on the tour bus.

"What's going on with you and Taylor?" Niall asked, sitting across from me.

Louis looked up from his blunt he was rolling, frowning. "Wait, what? You're hooking up with Taylor?"

"What? Who said I-"

"The papers, mate! Everyone is buzzing!" Niall interrupted.

"I'm not hooking up with-"

"So you're just gonna leave Maggie like that, huh? So easy? Look, mate, I get its hard not seeing her, but you don't need to have sex with random chicks just to get the edge off." Louis snapped, glaring at me.

"I'm not sleeping with her! I'm not sleeping with anyone! Management told me to just go out on a walk with her and hold her hand so we can stir up something. She needs promotion, so does our band." I explained.

"You just dug yourself a grave, mate. Maggie's a good girl... you might have just lost her." Louis said, retreating to the back of the bunk.


"We aren't together, Taylor, you know that.- look I don't care what you have to say, we aren't together.- no, you can't do that!- I don't give a rats arse if you do or not, you so as write one word about her and I will-"

"Okay, phone time is over." Niall said, taking my phone and hanging up. "Dude, just... whatever you're doing, you're done. Maggie called, she wants to see you. We have a break this weekend, fly over to her. Explain what is going on."

"I can't-"

"You can't? Or you won't?" He stared at me, before turning around and walking away.

"Need a smoke?" Zayn asked, sitting on a bench behind me.

"N... you know what? Yeah." I took a cigarette from him and a lighter, lighting it up.

"You doing okay?" Zayn asked, inhaling his cigarette.

"No... not really." I told him, shifting my weight onto my other side, leaning against the tour bus. "Just... this whole thing is messed up. I didn't expect it to get this bad."

"End it." Zayn replied, flicking the ashes onto the wet pavement below him.

"The thing is; management wants me to go out with her again. Up until New Years. Couple dates here and there, then I dump her. She gets her album, I get my publicity." I explained.

"Harry... have I ever told you how dumb you are?" Zayn asked, looking up at me.

I smirked and shook my head. "Everything could be ruined with Maggie." I said, finishing off my cigarette.

"Then fix it. Look, I had my ups and downs with Perrie, but look at us now? We're happy. I'm happy. When is it gonna be the time you get to be happy? Hmm?" He stood and patted my back. "Go get your girl. Worry about nothing else. The band will still be here when you get back."

I looked down at him and gave him a smile, before hugging him. "Thanks, mate." I said.

"Welcome. Now go." He chuckled, pushing me away.

I grinned and grabbed my bags from the bus, hailing a cab to the airport.

I'm coming home, Maggie.

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