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A/N: ^ just bc he's a cutie XD


"Girls! Marcus!" My mother calls from downstairs. "Come down here! We have something we need to tell you."

Maggie and I turn to look at each other, her sitting at her desk doodling and me in the middle of rearranging my closet.

We head downstairs to the living room to find mum, dad, and Marcus sitting on the couch. Maggie and I sit on the loveseat right next to the couch.

"So we have something we need to tell you." Dad says. I cross my legs and prop my head on my hand. "Do you wanna tell them?" He asks mum.

"No, you tell them!" She smiles.

"No, no, I think you should tell them!" He says.

"No-" Mum starts.

"Someone tell us!" Marcus cuts her off.

"We're moving!" Mum tells us, waving her hands.

"Like, out of Calabasas?" Maggie asks.

"Oh, no! We love it here in Calabasas." Mum tells her.

"Yes, we're only moving houses so we can be closer to our jobs." Dad says. Both of their jobs are in Los Angeles, which is about a forty minute drive from our house.

"We're moving into a bigger house as well." Mum smiles. "You girls are both nineteen. Studying different things. You deserve your own rooms."

"So when do we move." Marcus asks.

"Well, that's the thing. You see we have to be out of here by Friday." Dad tells us.

"Dad, that's in two days!" Maggie practically yells.

"Yes, we're calling some people to help us pack up." Dad says.

"Who?" Marcus asks.

"Mr. and Mrs. Davis and their children." Mum tells him.

"Ethan parents!?" Maggie yells... again. Dad gives her a look. "I mean, sounds cool." She says relaxing back in her seat.

"They'll be here at about twelve." Mum says.

"Y'all go on up and start packing." Dad says. I chuckle at Mum and dads different dialects.

"Alright," I sigh walking into mine and Maggie's room. "It's almost eleven, so that means we have almost an hour to get you ready for Ethan." I tell Maggie going through my closet.

"Why would I need to get ready?" Maggie asks sitting down on her bed. "We're just going to be putting things in boxes."

"Wow, I really need to teach you a thing or two about flirting." I say throwing her a white, quarter length sleeve top. She did have a point about just boxing things all day, so I thought I would make her outfit comfortable.

"You think I'm really going to be flirting. And what would my outfit have to do with it?" She complains. I turn and give her a look that says 'Do you hear yourself?' "Oh, you're right." She laughs.

I toss her a pair of black shorts with a white stripe down the sides. "Now when you've got that on, put on your black Nike's and I'll fix your hair and makeup."

After she puts on the outfit, I smile at her. "See, cute!" I say bringing her over to our full length mirror. "Now sit!" I tell her placing her on the chair that belongs with my makeup vanity. I switch on the lights and Maggie flinches.

"Geez, Ash! Are you trying to blind me?" She asks covering her face with her hands.

"No, now move you're hands so I can fix your face." I joke.

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