Grand Magic Games: Day 2 (Part 2)

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"Okay, on to the much-anticipated battle part! In the first match is Blacksnake of Raven Tail, a new guild that's currently the front runner, versus Lamia Scale's Toby Horhorta!" The match began, and immediately Toby grew long, green nails, yelling a spell.
"Super Paralysis Claw Mega Mega Jellyfish!" He swung repeatedly at Blacksnake, but missed each time. Blacksnake vanished, mostly likely using Mimic Magic, and cast a spell from behind Toby.
"Sand Rebellion!" The sand swept Toby up in a tornado, spinning him wildly. The sand vanished, leaving Toby standing still, claws out. As he struck at Blacksnake, they made a bet. If Toby won, he'd learn Blacksnake's true name. If Blacksnake won, he'd learn Toby's biggest secret. Sand swirled around the two, and when it cleared, Blacksnake was standing, Toby was on the ground. The announcer spoke.
"Toby's down! And he's not getting back up! The match is over! The winner is Blacksnake of Raven Tail!" Blacksnake looked at Toby.
"So, what's your secret?" 
"My socks," he began. "I can't find one of them... Even though I've been searching for it for the past three months, I can't find it for some reason... I... I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone..." he fell silent. I looked at Blacksnake and saw him pointing to his chest, telling Toby that his missing sock was hanging around his neck. Toby sat up, crying, and held the sock in his hands. "It was right here all this time?! You're a nice guy. I found it at last!" I noticed Erza getting emotional.
"Good for you, dog-like guy!" I stared at her in complete shock, unable to speak. I turned back to the arena. Blacksnake extended a hand to Toby and I smiled, touched by that simple fact. Maybe not all of Raven Tail was evil. Toby slowly reached up to take Blackesnake's hand, but the Raven Tail mage snatched his hand away, taking the sock with it. I froze, stunned by the change in heart. Blacksnake tore the sock to pieces in front of Toby. I felt anger bubbling up in me as he spoke.
"The more precious something is, the more I seek to destroy it." I lost it. I ran, full speed, and attempted to jump over and attack Blacksnake. Gray and Natsu grabbed my arms and pulled me back as I fought to get away. Blacksnake looked up at us, his eyes on Erza's stomach. He grinned. "If there's something precious to you, I will kill it." I struggled more, my anger causing it to start snowing. Erza walked over and grabbed me, holding me until I eventually calmed down. Blacksnake and Toby walked off the field, Toby sad and Blacksnake proud. I glared at Blacksnake. He better pray he never comes up against me ever in his life. Because I'll tear him to shreds like he did the sock.

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