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I slowly opened my eyes, blinded by a bright light. I covered them as the memories of the final day of the Grand Magic Games came flooding back. Fighting Lyon and Cheria, Erza and Minerva, Sting collapsing and Millianna bringing Lector back to him. I recalled how battered we all were walking up to Sting for the final fight, expecting to use all of our magic, but instead being met with a surrender. I remembered holding Erza, supporting my wife after her fight with Minerva... My eyes snapped open again. Erza. Where was she? I forced myself to sit up, intense pain hitting me everywhere. I grit my teeth, ignoring the agony, and forcing myself to look around. I recognized where I was as the infirmary back in my guild hall. I saw Mirajane sitting by my bed, fiddling with the IV drip plugged into my arm. "Mira!" She turned to me with a smile.

"Y/N. You're awake! That's good." I nodded, my mind elsewhere.

"Why am I here? What happened after Lector came back? Where's everyone else? Where's my wife? Is she ok? What about our baby?" Mira held up her hands to silence me.

"All of you were badly injured, so when you stepped out of the city, or, in your case, were carried out, we grabbed you and took you here, to be cared for. Almost all of you fell unconscious the moment we got you, with the exception of Erza. You passed out as soon as Lector came back, and Erza caught you. She carried you out, even with her hurt leg, and then immediately went into labor. Once she was out, Natsu grabbed you and Levy and I got Erza. She collapsed, going into labor, and we rushed her back here." I gasped.

"Labor?! Wait... Then, that means... Our daughter. Is she ok?!" I exclaimed, latching onto Mira's arm. She giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet, and replacing my hand from her arm into the IV stand so I could move around.

"It's better if you go see for yourself. She's in the room next to yours. We wanted to keep you two close." I gripped the standstand and Mira opened the door for me. I shot her a grateful smile and walked out the door. I proceeded down the hall a few feet until I reached the door my wife was behind. I took a deep breath, braced myself, and entered. The redheaded mage looked up at me, drenched in sweat, her chocolate eyes shining brighter than I'd seen them. In her arms, she held a baby wrapped in pink, Levy sitting next to her, smiling. I couldn't help the relieved smile that spread across my face at the sight of my wife and child. She smiled back and nodded me over. I didn't hesitate, brining the IV with me. Erza held out our daughter to me.

"Do you want to hold her?" I nodded and took our daughter, holding her close. Her eyes opened and I gasped. They were a mix of brown and my own eye color, almost like paint that was stirred up. She made a chirping noise and reached out towards me. I moved my hand and touched hers. She grabbed my finger and laughed.

"Erza... She's beautiful." Erza looked at us both with shining eyes.

"She is. Lilith. Lilith L/N." I smiled.

"What about her middle name?"

"I figured I'd let you choose." I looked at my wife, then back down at my daughter.

"Ashley. After my sister. Lilith Ashley L/N," I said, handing her back to Erza, who grinned in response.

"I love it." Levy got up, stepping back, so I could sit with my wife. I sat, holding her hand, and smiled, resting my head on her stomach and drifting off to sleep.

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