Grand Magic Games: Day 4 (Part 2)

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We stood on the balcony, awaiting the first battle. I kept my arm firmly around Ezra's waist, nuzzling my head into her shoulder occasionally. She smiled each time. "Y/N, you're so affectionate! What's up? Not that I mind, in fact, I rather enjoy it, but still. Is everything alright?" I nodded.

"Just thinking about Lucy and realizing that it could've been you out there. The thought scares me. I love you, I don't want to lose you." Erza kissed me softly, resting her forehead against mine.

"Honey, that won't happen. You won't lose me. I promise. I love you too, and you're stuck with me." I laughed, kissing her cheek.

"There are far worse things." Just then, the announcer spoke.

"Alright, people, are you ready for a magic battle?" The crowd cheered and I got closer too see the match up. "First up, Ichiya and Rabbit from Blue Pegasus!" Erza cringed next to me at Ichiya's name and I rubbed her back to soothe or at least remind her I was here. "Versus Bacchus and Rocker from Quatro Puppy!" I clenched my fists at Bacchus's name, but smiled a bit at their guild name, happy I'd chosen it. The four stepped into the arena and I couldn't help silently during for Ichiya; he'd never expressed a desire to sleep with my pregnant wife. As I watched, Ichiya and Rabbit walked up to Bacchus and Rocker and proceeded to shake their hands. They seemed just as confused as I was as the Blue Pegasus mages returned to their places. Suddenly, Ichiya said something and pointed at the sky. Rabbit slowly reached up and grabbed ahold of his mask. I stepped in front of Erza instinctively, ice cracking at my fingertips. I didn't know who he was under the mask; he could be evil or dangerous. He slowly removed the mask, revealing... A golden, cat-Ichiya hybrid. It looked like the mirror image of Ichiya, if he had cat ears, whiskers, and was gold-colored. They both sprung into the air and landed, the hybrid now smaller, with a lion tail, and wearing a purple version of Ichiya's suit. Erza went pale.

"Two Ichiyas... I don't feel so good..." She leaned back into my arms. I simply held onto her, not letting her fall. Ichiya smiled and proceeded to tell the story of how he met the hybrid and showed everyone the Blue Pegasus guild mark on the creature's back, proving his status as a guild member. Before the story was even fully finished, Bacchus ran up, preparing to strike. Slowly, the hybrid raised a paw... And went flying across the arena when Bacchus's hit landed. The creature hit the ground and Ichiya turned, a determined glint in both of their eyes. For a second, it seemed as though the hybrid was going to fight, but then he passed out, already out of commission. Ichiya began sweating, visibly distraught, as Bacchus and Rocker advanced on him. He backed away, one hand up, pleading with them, as they grew closer. Then, Rocker swung, hitting Ichiya head on and sending him straight into Bacchus, who hit him back. The two smacked Ichiya back and forth for a while before slamming him to the ground by the hybrid. The announcer spoke.

"And it's not looking good for Blue Pegasus! Could this be the end of the match?" The Quatro Cerberus mages high-fived and began celebrating, when the announcer cut them off. "Oh! Wait! Ichiya is getting back up!" I looked down and saw that with the last of his strength, Ichiya was attempting to push himself up from the ground. Suddenly, he began glowing, swelling to over ten times his size, and ripping through his shirt. He turned to Bacchus and Rocker, advancing quickly on them. They jumped into the air and began casting spells, ready to attack, but Ichiya met them with a fist before they finished, sending them flying backwards. They hit the wall and collapsed against the ground, unconscious. The announcer returned.

"And a resounding victory for Blue Pegasus! What a comeback!" Ichiya blew hearts into the air, casting spells to send them in all directions, then picked up the hybrid and cradled him in his arms. Ichiya left the field as the announcer called the next battle. "And our second match today is Lyon and Yuka from Lamia Scale versus Kagura and Milliana from Mermaid Heel!" I smiled, knowing this fight would be awesome. I learned on the balcony, ready to enjoy it, when a glint of something caught my eye from the Lamia Scale balcony. I looked over and saw a flash of something shiny. It flashed in a pattern, then paused for a while, then did the same pattern again. I realized it was morse code, and silently thanked Gajeel for his childhood obsession with spies. He taught me it, just in case. I looked at the pattern again. C. O. M. E. Pause. T. O. Pause. I. N. F. I. R. M. A. R. Y. A long pause and the pattern repeated again. I conjured an ice sheet in my hand, flat and reflective enough for a response. I waiting for the long pause, then signaled back. S. E. E. Pause. Y. O. U. Pause. T. H. E. R. E. A long pause, then I repeated the message. After getting no reply, I told Erza I was heading to the bathroom and left to go see who the person was and what they wanted. I prepared a spell, just in case it was someone with malicious intent. I steeped myself, opened the door, and froze in shock at who was sitting on the bed.

"It's you."

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