Grand Magic Games: Day 3 (Part 2)

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Erza walked inside the castle, sword in hand. The minute she stepped inside, she crossed her weapon protective over her stomach. I watched on screen, my eyes locked on Erza. After a minute or two, she spoke. "I'm Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail A. I challenge 100." Almost instantly, the D-class, C-class, and B-class monsters came out. I felt my heart rate quicken as my hands gripped the railing tightly. They came towards my wife, so she requipped into her Heaven's Wheel armor and cast a spell that sent out swords in a circular pattern. As I watched, the swords hit a bunch of monsters, taking them down in just one hit! I glanced at the monster tally on the side. Only 33 D-class monsters left now. I smiled as I watched her requip, this time into her Black Wing armor. She spread her wings and flew out of the center of the room, getting away from the immediate danger. I kept my eyes locked on the screen, feeling my heart swell with pride as my wife took out monsters effortlessly. Suddenly, a monster came up and shot fire at her. She heard it, but didn't have enough time to react, and ended up getting slammed into the wall. I tensed and felt my throat close up, fear bubbling up inside me. But when the smoke cleared, my knees grew weak in relief at the sight of my redhead in her Flame Empress armor, not even a scratch on her. As I watched, the monster spit more fire, so Erza pulled out a weapon from her Sea Empress armor set and swept the flames aside. She lunged forward and struck, killing the monster swiftly. I checked the scoreboard. There was one S-class monster, four A-class monsters, 15 B-class monsters, 25 C-class monsters, and 27 D-class monsters left, meaning she'd already gotten rid of some C-class monsters. I grinned and continued watching. Erza kept fighting, pulling out her Flame Empress sword to assist her as well, until she landed for a minute, panting heavily. I tensed, fearing the worst, but one glance told me she was simply winded from the first hit she took. Soon, she was back on her feet, coming face to face with a massive blue monster. It attacked, but she retaliated by requipping into Sea Empress armor and attacking with lightning, taking the creature down instantly. She became a blur as she swept through a bunch of monsters, eventually landing in her Flight Armor. I checked the scoreboard. One S-class, four A-class, 10 B-class, 15 C-class, and 18 D-class. She'd made a deep cut into the lower class monsters, but had yet to face the two strongest types. I gripped the rail tightly; it was all that was stopping me from leaping over and pulling my wife to safety. I could only watch as she fought off hordes of monsters, using two of her strongest swords, until she landed at the feet of an A-class monster. The creature slammed its fist down on top of Erza. I held my breath until its arm crumbled to dust, revealing my wife in her Adamantine armor. She flung the monster out of the arena, destroying it, before she ran out after a small, round creature. Monsters flew up to stop her, but she requipped into her Giant armor and killed them, her main focus on the small creature. She became a blur once more before dust surrounded her for a long time. So long that I began to fear the worst. Once it settled, I let out a breath at the sight of Erza, tired but unharmed, in her Heartz Kreuz armor. I checked the scoreboard and was unable to keep the smile off my face. The C-class and D-class monsters were gone. Only the S-class, an A-class, and two B-class monsters were left. She ran up to the final A-class monster, requipping into her Japanese Cloth armor, and sliced it in half as if it were butter. The two B-class monsters attacked from opposite sides, so Erza jumped away and sliced through them both, only using one sword, and bringing it down to just the S-class monster. She turned to face it. It was the small round thing she'd been chasing earlier that almost resembled a baby Cyclops. As I watched, Erza swapped out her single sword for two and stared at the monster. Its single eye snapped open, glowing purple, as it sent out similar colored waves of magic that swept over the entire arena. Purple light filled the arena and when it cleared, the S-class monster was ten times bigger than Erza and pressing its body painfully on top of hers. It spun and kicked her across the pedestal they were both on, but she was luckily able to stop before she slid off the edge. She rolled out of its way and began swinging as it tried to grab her. Only seconds later, its fingers crumbled away and I saw my wife behind it, bearing down on the monster's head with all her might. She hit it at full power and everyone held the breath as the final monster disintegrated into nothingness. A magic circle appeared below Erza and traveled down, taking the palace with it. It reached the arena floor and vanished, leaving my redheaded beauty in its place. I didn't waste any time jumping over the balcony and running to her. I reached Erza and immediately swept her up in a hug. "Erza, you did it! You won! I'm so proud of you!" I hugged her tightly, but pulled back quickly at her cry of pain. I looked in her eyes and my hand brushed against her stomach as I went to caress her face. When it reached her face, I saw how soaked in blood it was. Slowly, I looked down and saw a bloody gash in my pregnant wife's stomach. She looked up at me.

"Y/N... Help... Me..." she choked out before collapsing in my arms. I lifted her up and ran to the infirmary, praying to every god I could think of to protect my wife and child. I needed them alive.

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