A Day Off

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I leaned back in my chair in the new pub, that Natsu and Gray had yet to destroy. However, they were already fighting, which wasn't a surprise. I rolled my eyes and leaned on my wife's shoulder, simply happy to be here with her. I watched as Lucy attempted to break up the fight between Natsu and Gray. I chuckled at the thought, even as she tried to get Master Makarov to intervene. He faced the two quarreling guys and spoke, slurring his words slightly. "I'll tell 'em off. Natsu!" The mages froze, both turning to face Master Makarov. "If you're gonna do it, go all in! Show me the fire of a Dragon Slayer!" Lucy paled at the guild master's encouragement and began to speak, but Elfman cut her off.

"That's right! When the wielder of Dragon Slayer Magic cries! That's a man!" Mirajane and Lucy exchanged nervous glances as Natsu's fist clenched, becoming a ball of flame. He spoke.

"You don't gotta tell me that! I'm gonna make you cry, Gray!" Gray began preparing a spell.

"Shut up! You're the one who's gonna cry, Natsu!" They began fighting as Erza pulled out a piece of strawberry cake from seemingly nowhere and started to eat it. She only got a few bites in, though, before it was hit by a flying shoe, which crushed it instantly. Erza stood up slowly, shaking in rage. I stood as well, snow beginning to fall from the ceiling as my wife's eyes grew darker. I stepped back into the shadows, waiting for any signal my redhead gave that she may need help. She requipped into her Heaven's Wheel armor, sending swords in a circle around her, each one pinning Natsu and Gray more firmly to the wall until they were completely stuck.

"Now," she began, "are you two going to stop fighting?" They glanced at Erza for the first time; their eyes had been locked on each other until now. Upon seeing the anger written across her features, both mages recoiled, rapidly turning pale. Natsu was the first to speak.

"Yes, of course, Erza! We're very sorry, we'll stop fighting!" She arched an eyebrow.

"And?" she prompted.

"And what?" Gray chimed in.

"And," Erza repeated, "what about my strawberry cake that your fighting destroyed?" They gulped.

"And we'll replace your cake, Miss Erza Scarlet," Natsu squeaked out. Erza smiled, satisfied for now, and changed back into her normal clothes, releasing the fire and ice mages, who both scrambled out the door in search of a new piece of strawberry cake. She returned to her seat next to me, seemingly happier, at least a small amount.

"Erza," I began. "Why do you terrorize those poor boys?" She kissed my cheek.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sweetie. I would never do any such thing." She smiled innocently before sliding off the chair and leaving the pub. I rolled my eyes, grinning, and turned to Mirajane, who'd taken a seat on my other side.

"Hey Mira." She smiled.

"Hi Y/N. What are you up to tonight?" I sighed, resting my head on my hands.

"Not sure yet. I might go find Erza, or take a walk around town, or even go visit some of the other guilds. You?" Mira cast a glance at her siblings.

"Hang out with Elfman and Lisanna. It seems like only yesterday that Lisanna came back, so I want to spend as much time with her as possible. And I would advise you to do the same with Erza," she said, sliding off her bar stool. "You never know when something could happen to them." She wandered off as I sat there, remembering the other night in Sabertooth. I could've lost my wife and daughter that night. I stood, paid for my drinks, and stepped out into the night. I glanced around, but didn't immediately see Erza, so I turned and began walking down the street that led to where we were staying; assuming she'd headed that way.

A flash of red hair caught my eyes from a couple blocks up. I crept closer, curious as to what was going on, since that red hair was the exact same shade as my wife's. I drew closer until I got to a corner. I slowly poked my head out and turned to look down the side street. I could see the back of a red-haired person, whom I instantly recognized as Erza, and the face of someone very, very familiar. I bit back a gasp as I realized who it was. Jellal. I felt the air around me grow cold and snow began to fall. Erza started to turn around. Without looking back, I pivoted back and sprinted to the hotel we were staying in. I went up to my room and sat on the bed, thinking about what I had seen, if anything. I mean, it was just them standing there. I didn't hear them speaking or see anything unacceptable happen. I couldn't fairly say that there was anything wrong occurring on that street. Except... I killed Jellal back in the Tower of Heaven. I remember seeing his body, bleeding out on the floor. So he couldn't be alive. I stood, making a decision on the spot. I was going to march back to that street and ask what was going on and demand to know how Jellal was still alive. I opened the door and saw Erza standing there, reaching for the handle. She smiled sheepishly.

"Babe, I know what you saw. Can I explain?" Wordless, I held open the door for her and she sat on the bed. I joined her as she told me everything, from start to finish, and then recapped the whole thing. "So, basically, the only reason I was even with him tonight is because he's been sensing this crazy strong magic and I think it's the source of the corruption in Lamia Scale." I nodded.

"But then how is he back?" Erza's glazed over and she seemed a million miles away.

"I don't know," she finally said. "That's what's scaring me. Right now, he's only helping me because he doesn't have any of his memories. But he knows he died and came back; I accidentally mentioned it, and he wants to know how. I'm worried that this powerful magic he's feeling isn't what caused the corruption, but what brought him back. And if it is, and he gets his memory back..." She shuddered. "Then gods help us all."

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